
The FrEdMail Network is no longer a service of the Global SchoolNet Foundation. This and subsequent pages are for archival purposes only.

What is the FrEdMail Network?

An Overview of the FrEdMail Network


Free FrEdMail BBS numbers and locations around the world.

EdNet and Global SchoolNet's FrEdMail team up to show you how you can plan a complete internet solution which includes your existing computers. Don't tie up your high-bandwidth machines and connections with low-bandwidth activities... use your existing investment in older computers, which make the ideal delivery vehicle for low-bandwidth services (email, news, and listservs) to up to 32 students at one time.

You'll also receive the acclaimed Global SCHLnet Newsgroup service, with the finest collection of learning activities available by email anywhere on the Internet... directly to your local area network... for an amazingly low cost.

Check out our contest for FREE software!
