1. How are you hooked to the Internet?
___ Computer and modem
___ Direct connection at school
2. If you are using a modem, what is the speed? 2400 -- 9600 -- 14.4 -- 28.8 -- 33.6 -- 56k
3. What Web browser are you using?_____________________________
4. What is the URL of the Web page you are looking at?
5. What is the name of the site? _______________________________________
Does the page take a long time to load? YES / NO
Are there big pictures on the page? YES / NO
Is the spelling correct on the page? YES / NO
Is the author's name and e-mail address on the page? YES / NO
Is there a picture on the page that you can use to choose links? (Image map) YES / NO
Is there information in columns on the page? (Table) YES / NO
If you go to another page, is there a way to get back to the first page? YES / NO
Is there a date that tells you when the page was made? YES / NO
Do the photographs look real? YES / NO / NO PHOTOGRAPHS
Do the sounds sound real? YES / NO / NO SOUNDS
Does the title of the page tell you what it is about? YES / NO
Is there an introduction on the page that tells you what is included? YES / NO
Are the facts on the page what you were looking for? YES / NO
Would you have gotten more information from the encyclopedia? YES / NO
Would the information have been better in the encyclopedia? YES / NO
Does the author of the page say some things you disagree with? YES / NO
Does the author of the page include information that you know is wrong? YES / NO
Do the pictures and photographs on the page help you learn? YES / NO / NO PICTURES
Looking at all of the questions and answers above, write a paragraph telling why this Web site is helpful (or not helpful) for your project.