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Global SchoolNet Montage

Global SchoolNet Photo Gallery

GSN's Online Share Learning Awards 2005
SlideShow     Album #1       Album #2 
National Education Computing Conference
June-July 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Visit to Taiwan - Global PBL Symposium
November 2004, Taipei & Kaoshiung

GSN's Online Share Learning Awards 2004
National Education Computing Conference
June-July 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana

Life on the Streets: Homeless Kids in San Diego
July 2003, Cyber Y Technology Center, San Diego

GSN's Online Share Learning Awards 2003
Album #1    Album #2

National Education Computing Conference
June-July 2003, Seattle, Washington

GSN's Online Share Learning Awards 2002
National Education Computing Conference
June 2002, San Antonio, Texas

Visit to Taiwan - Taiwan CyberFair Schools
May-June 2002, Taipei, Kaoshiung, & Hualien

Friendship Through Education consortium is formed
Announced by President Bush
October 25, 2001, Washington, DC

Global Schoolhouse joins Lightspan Partnership
Highlights (1999-2000)

GSN's Global Schoolhouse is sponsored by Microsoft
Highlights (1995-1999)

NSF funds GSN's "Global Schoolhouse"
Internet video conferencing and web added

San Diego CUE - the early years
San Diego Computer Using Educators

Free Educational Mail (FrEdMail) is founded
Teachers create worldwide school-based network