1. Description of Our Community
Taiwan is an island country in the East Asia. From the terrestrial globe, off the eastern coast of Asia lay the mountainous island arcs of the Western Pacific. The island chain closest to the continent marks the edge of the Asiatic Continental Shelf, and Taiwan, part of this island chain, is the largest body of land between Japan and the Philippines. The population density of Taiwan stood at 1,567 persons per square mile, making it the second highest in the world behind Bangladesh. Taipei, which covers 107 square mile, is Taiwan's most crowded urban area with 25,000 persons per square mile. Heavily populated urban areas have grown outside the official limits of major cities, forming large metropolitan areas, which are now home to 68.37 percent of Taiwan's total population.
2. Summary of Our Project
We participate in the internet copetition accidentally.To find good topic, we try our best to look for some information about "Institute for the Bind of Taiwan." First, understanding the organization of "Institute for the Bind of Taiwan." is very important for us. Second, we discuss and share our opinion about the topic on every Friday. After dicussion, we have futher understandng bout "Institute for the Bind of Taiwan." Third, our teacher calls Mr. Kou and has an appointment with him. Then, we have a peaceful interview with Mr. Kou. At the same time, trying to organization is our main task. After interview, we keey in new information. Therefore, the content of our internet is various. Then, we cooperate to design the internet. Going to the computer classroom to learn new course is our reponsibility during the break. We really enjoy doing it. In the process of learning, teachers try their best to help us and solve our problem. It is lucky for us to learn.On the other hand, we obtain many coputer skills. In addition, we all read some reports, related to our topic in our daily life. Although the process of learning is full of frustration, the result is sweet. Our internet is perfect.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
We used ADSL for connecting internet with fixed IP.We have a NT Server,2 FreeBSD servers as mail server and proxy.We use NT Server as Domain Name Server.We created websites and searching data from internet after our lunch when the other classmate are taking their nap. It's the only time the computer classroom free from classes.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Data Collection쳌FFirst,we have never touched this kind of topic(blind people),we have no idea where to begin. Fortunely,we know a teacher who was paticipated in a student community in college in Fu Jen Catholic University. Through her classmated, we got in touch with "Institute for the Bind of Taiwan." for the first time. *^_^* Interview: Institute for the Bind of Taiwan is not available on vacation, we have 8 students in the project as well, we are not that sure they are able to be visited. With the hard process of communicaton,we could visit them after all,YA!(http://gsh.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2003/2584/english/narrative4.htm) Site Construction:In the construction process of our site "Institute for the Bind of Taiwan",we did not goes so smoothly. Especially in the background graphs and photos,our director was not satisfied the poor entry. we discussed and changed our contents over and over,finally we finish our project쳌I...*\(^v^)/*...
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The hard process in the Cyberfair Website contest to introduce the blinds in Taiwan is not worth mentioning while comparing with the sufferings for blinds, especially the posteriority of the blind. We learn much from their vitality.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
1.In the contest,we know the blinds and their need. They are not begging our dole. They need a job and the respect for us. Help them not run away them. We learn to know and help blinds. (http://gsh.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2003/2584/english\menu2\index.htm) 2.The meaning of life is not routine anymore. The incomplete of the blindness can not beat them, they regard it as a test of the God ,not a damn!