1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used a variety of tools to create our project. In our computer lab, we have 20 computers. A majority of them are iMacs. We have a couple of Power Macs and G3 Macintoshes. These computers were obtained Apple. We used one telephone to contact resources and organize field trips.
We used both video and still digital cameras to document our research. They were both obtained by grants that our teacher wrote for us. We used scanners to obtain photographs and webpublish our work.
We used two printers for publishing our reports. Some of the computer software we used were Claris Homepage (web editor), Hyperstudio (creating graphics), Gif Builder (animating graphics), Adobe Photoshop (editing photographs), Hot Potatoes (creating games), Alxnet (creating the guestbook and poll), iMovie (editing our field trip videos), Quicktime 3.0 (viewing the videos), MP3 (recording and listening to music), sitemeter.com (adding our site meter), and Fetch (uploading our webpages). Most of these software were purchased from educational technology companies or were downloaded from the Internet for free.
We used books, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, interviews and videos to obtain the information we needed to help create our website. Many of the books we used were purchased from Amazon.com via a grant that our teacher wrote. Other materials were borrowed from both the school and public libraries.
We went on two field trips (Hawaii’s Plantation Museum and the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii) to get first hand information for our website.
All of these tools played a critical role in helping us create our website. We believe the computer was the most valuable tool. This was because it allowed us to get information from the Internet and webpublish our work. It was also a means of communication (Email) between us and the experts.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We acted as ambassadors for our school. We were able to contact various people as resources to gain information on Hawaii’s culture. For example, we went to the Hawaii’s Plantation Village. Prior to the trip, we prepared many questions that we wanted to find out about Hawaii’s past. We were able to ask our tour guide, Lutia, our questions. She gave us the answers that we needed. She mentioned that we were the best group she ever had. This was because we were very interested in what she had to say, and additionally, there was a purpose for us being there.
We also received two grants to create our project. One grant was from the Cottington Trust. This allowed us to purchase books, software and the digital video cameral to help create our website. The second grant we received was called “Good Idea Grant.” Through this grant we were able to go on our field trips and purchase a digital camera to document our findings. We needed to represent our school to successfully fulfill the goals set by the two grants. We needed to produce a quality website to showcase Hawaii’s diversity.
Lastly, we contacted Danny Couch who is a musical artist in Hawaii. We explained to him that we wished to use his song “These Islands” in our website. We felt his song perfectly matched the theme of our site. We wrote to him via email, and he graciously allowed us to use his song.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Our website will make a positive impact on our community, as well as the rest of the world. Our website focuses on Hawaii’s unique diversity. We have many cultures that harmoniously blend together. We believe our site will make a difference to those who read it. Through our site, others can learn about Hawaii’s diversity and use our state as an example for others to follow. We have already sent our URL (web address) to a teacher listserve. This will allow other students and teachers to use our site as a resource. Through our site meter, we found that our site was already viewed by many. Additionally, our guestbook revealed that people definitely were impressed with our work and it has made a difference.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Thank you to our families who supported and guided us through this project. We appreciate your encouragement and love.
Thank you to Hawaii Plantation Museum. Miss Lutia and Mr. Tokuda taught us about Hawaii’s past plantation life and allowed us to experience some of the history and games first hand.
Thank you to the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii for teaching us about the past history of the Japanese in Hawaii. We appreciate Mrs. Kiyabu, Mrs. Yoshimoto and Mrs. Shimamoto for teaching us about Hawaii's past.
Thank you to Danny Couch, the musical artist who sings “These Islands.” He allowed us to use his song on our website.
Lastly, thank you to the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation for giving us the “Good Idea Grant.” And Cottington Trust, for allowing us to receive their grant.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We have made many interesting discoveries through participating in Cyberfair. Here are a few examples:
“Throughout this project, a lesson I learned was to be very neat and organized so that I don't lose my work.” Nicole, Grade 6
“During this process I learned how to use multimedia tools to make a word find game and how to put my work on the internet.” Kelli, Grade 6
“During this project, I discovered how unique and special Hawaii really is. The people of Hawaii are so accepting and kind to each other. I think that we really are just one big family with different experiences and backgrounds living together on one tiny island out in the pacific that I call home!” Ittai, Grade 5
“I learned that we should all treat people the way we want to be treated.” Mark, Grade 5
“I learned how to use search engines on the internet to find pictures and resources.” Michael, Grade 5
“I learned how to look on the Internet for information how to email people.” Robin, Grade 5
“During this project, my computer skills improved. I now do a lot of things on the computer, and I learned how to make a website.” by Emily, Grade 6
“I learned to be a team player.” Makana, Grade 5
“What I learned from our project, Hawaii a Mixing Pot of Colors, is what some cultures are like and what their traditions are.” Kory, Grade 4
“I learned more than I ever would have learned in all my life about different cultures and their beliefs and values.” Spencer, Grade 4
“An interesting discovery I made is learning about how diverse Hawaii is.” Jennifer, Grade 4
“I had many surprises during this project. One of them was when we used pictures from other web sites, we had to ask for permission.” Eric, Grade 4
“I learned how to be responsible.” Sam, Grade 4