1. Description of Our Community
We define our community mainly as our country Singapore. Located south of Peninsular Malaysia, it has been developing rapidly in terms of economical growth and technological advances. It remains a peace-loving country and encourages harmony among the people. Another unique feature of our community is our multi-racial society. Despite different ethnic groups, language or religion, we strive to get along well so as to prevent any racial issues to be a problem in the country. As always, it promotes harmony in diversity and we hope it will be the same for the world as well, to live in peace always.
The art forms are different in here and vary from ethnic groups. We wish to bring them together as one, something that is truly an art form of Singapore. This we define as our community too, with the diverse race of different backgrounds and heritage
2. Summary of Our Project
In Singapore, tourism has been one of the main contributions to our country's revenues. As it continues to boost the quality of its tourism and services, it has also began promoting its local arts scene. Having contructed a $6-million performing arts centre known as the Esplanade, now widely used to showcase some of our country's best music and arts scene
As it is something new, we hope our project can help to promote it further as it will reach out to people throughout the world with International Schools Cyberfair being a world renowned web competition. Although it is a big challenge to take on something which is as new and with not much data, we aim to educate people throughout the world, on our local arts scene. Not just the traditional ones, but the modern ones as well.
As you can see, in the past, Singapore has always had a diverse multi-cultural art forms ranging from Chinese opera to Malay performances and Indian dances. Never had Singapore an art form they define as their own. Though over the years, Singapore’s arts scene has been developing rapidly and strives to forge an identity for itself. This is also not neglecting its own cultural roots or yet being limited by it. Now, with the Esplanade, hopes for having an arts scene to call our own is now made possible with an infusion of our diverse multi-cultural art forms. This we call Singapore Arts, and we hope it will one day be internationally recognized.
Here in Opus Infusion, we showcase the different traditional art forms in our community as well as bring them together as one. We want the world to know that even though each and every ethnic groups has its own unique cultures and heritage, it is still possible to bring them together as one. Also, we want to spread this message to the world on how people of different ethic groups should come together and unite as one, and ultimately, for the world to remain free of troubles and live together as one.
This we call, Opus Infusion.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Due to the fact that the Esplanade has been a recent matter, information on it is generally scarce. This has led to the fact that we had to depend on the people in our community for information. Interviews thus became and important aspect and even though we have managed to gather sufficient information, there were times when we were rejected and even disallowed to take pictures in certain places, we tried our best and never give up even though the thought did run through.
As we have also started the project much later, somewhere during February, time management was important and we had to juggle between both our academic work and this project. Ultimately, it seemed that this project has proved to be much of a use for our work and has given us confidence to work independently.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
As to promote the local arts scene, it has led to a greater awareness of the country's local arts among the community and not to let negligence to be in the way. It has too showed that success will always belong to those who will not give up and not to take things in life for granted.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The project as helped us a lot as we have learnt much useful information which coincides with Social Studies, a national education subject within our community. It has given us greater insight as to why the Government has done such things, like the building of the Esplanade.
Also, we carried out our research in a typical manner which the school has trained us to do for our inter-disciplinary project. As this project is more demanding, our research skills have increased with the experience gained by doing extensive research. Not only have we searched the internet for information, we have even gone so far as to go to specific places to gather information. Hence, this important experience which we have gain has proven useful in school project works.
Not only that, it has helped us to broaden our view of the world and the importance of world peace. We see the importance of racial harmony. It has given us not only knowledge, but a valuable experience and letting us have our own independent and individual perspectives.