1. Description of Our Community
Taiwan is an island located southeast of Mainland China on the western edge of the Pacific Rim. Its history, politics, society, economy and culture are all affected by its geographical features and position. The interesting part of Taiwan folk culture is the production of people and the land.
2. Summary of Our Project
Lanterns are traditional folk art in Taiwan. A long time ago, lanterns were a practical tool used in daily life. Today, they are a symbol of expert handcraft. The handcraft of lanterns is handed down from generation to generation by lantern experts. In addition to collecting the legends and customs about Lantern Festival, we also want to visit these lantern experts who work so hard for Taiwan Lantern Festival and record their working process. We also enjoyed the riddles and poerty about lanterns, which enlightened our minds. Let's come and see the classic, modern fashion and the colorful laser beams by the experts in the annual festivity. Lantern festival is nothing short of magical. Like moths drawn to the flame, resistance to its spell is futile.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
It is hard to find the illustrious lantern makers or get the information. It really took us a lot of time to search for them. We contacted the Bureau of Civil Affairs. Miss Sam, who works in the Bureau of Civil Affairs, gave us the phone number of Master Yu-zhu Lin. We visited Master Lin and through her recommendation, we interviewed the Master Zin-yang,Yu Master Shue-mu Xie.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
At first, we just did this project for fun. Gradually, our search grew. It was our pleasure to interview these experts, but it is a painstaking work to type and edit the reports after we came back. We went through some difficulties and learned from the experience. For instance, we learned how to type and surf the net when we were fourth grade students. At that time, we knew nothing about digital cameras, digital recorders, scanners. Through this research, we learned not only how to use these implements, but also learned how to work with the films and make a website. It proved worthwhile to do this project.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This project combined the art and humanism curriculum, which cultivated the students’ interests in art and literature. It developed the students’ abilities of imagination and creation. Through the process of visiting artists, their appreciation of art grew. Through the process of interview, it improved the students’ abilities of expression, communication and sharing. Through the group's creating processes on the project, students learned how to respect and cooperate with one another.