1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Computers, software, telephones, televisions, radios, digital cameras, digital videos, scanner, recorders, library, books, newspaper and oral interviews. Campus Computer Facilities쳌FIntel Pentium !!! 773MHz 128MB SDRAM 15"CRT 16X DVD-ROMSoftware쳌FMicrosoft Windows 98SE Microsoft Windows ME Microsoft Windows 2000 professional Microsoft Windows XP home/ professional Microsoft Word Microsoft FrontPage Microsoft Excel Dr.eye 2002 Ulead PhotoImpact 6.0/7.0 Macromedia Flash 5.0/MX Adobe Photoshop 7 Ahead Nero JRuler Winzip WinRAR Windows Commander 32 CuteFTP 5.0XP
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
1. Internet: We browsed another Cyber Fair attendants' web sites by computers and internet. 2. Visitations: We visited Guan-Dau Nature Park, I-Lan and persons who knew Oriental White Storks. 3.Bureaus: We got bird strike information by visiting officers of Sung-Shan Airport.4.We asked bird society's assistant to find out bird specialists who knew Oriental White Storks to help us..5.We wrote to Taipei Environment Ecology, the 3rd Dept., to ask for conservation support from Mayor of Taipei City.6.We asked help from our campus to local societies. Faculties, staff, students and local inhabitants were all included.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We have learned social experiences from chronicles collecting, white stork specimen visitation, old nests searching, observers and lovers' interviews, new white stork migrant's traces, charity and promotion. We got many experiences which have never learned from schools. We have learned precious migratory birds' habitations and how to promote and preserve them .We also have learned how to protect our ecosystems. Our parents and teachers were moved by this research. They helped us heartily. Wild Bird Society of Guan-Dau Nature Park will link this web site with another white stork web sites internationally.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
When they learned our "build up a web site" goal , many bird observers and carer provided us information, data, photos and records generously. For example, a bird watcher, Mr. Hsyu, Jian-Chung provided us photos and records from this long term observation; Mr. Hsyu, Tsai led us to the old nests scenes; National Museum of Natures and Science in Tai-Chung allowed us to observe the nest specimen; Historian of I-Lang, professor Lu, Hsueh-Lien taught us preservative knowledge; Mr. Wu, Yung-Hua toured us to see a new white stork migrant and a stork specimen which was made 40 years ago. Whatever we tried to get, whoever provided us. We have a special feeling, this is not an our web site already, this is belonged to everyone here. We have many thanks to many people's support and help.Mayor of Taipei Mr. Ma, Ying-JeouDeputy Mayor of Taipei City Mr. Ou, Jing-DerTaipei Environment Ecology, the 3rd Dep. Mr. Wuen, Yung-TshangTaipei City of Secretariat Mr.Yiang, Tian-Shen.Professors of National Taipei Normal University Mr. Chen, Shan-Hsi.Lieutenant Sheriff of Sung-Shan Aviation Police Bureau Mr. Chang, Rung-Ming.Chair Of Da-An Pre. An-Chuan Area Ms. Lin, Li-Chu.Taipei Wild Bird Society Ms. Fu, Shuan and Mr. Her, Yi-Asian.Chairman of Gua-Dua Nature Park Mr. Wu, Ling-Yi.National Museum of natures and science in Tai-Chung Mr. Sun, Ching-Sung and Ms. Chen, Ian-JuenZoo of Shanghai Mr. Chen, Jian-Wei and Ms. Tshao, Tshuen-Ying. Bird watcher Mr. Hsyu, Tsai.Bird watcher Mr. Hsyu, Jian-ChungBird watcher Mr. Liou, Yian-MingNature Observer: Mr. Liuo, Ker-HsiangNature Observer Mr. Wu, Yung-HuaWriter Ms. Guan, Jia-ChiConserver of I-Lan Mr. Lu, Hsueh-LienConserver of I-Lan Mr. Wu, Kai-ChangMs. Chu, Huei-JingBird Lover, Student Wu, Shuen-Hua
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
1.Except eye watching, there is a shortcut to communicate with birds, the digital cameras .When we saw birds' beautiful images from digital camera, it was not a cold technology any more, it was a warm message from big birds.2. We learned the important of endangered species conservation from this research. Oriental White Storks are rare, but highly land developments have made their inhabitation smaller and smaller. We should not under estimate our abilities of bird protection. Even a little candle light can warm up in the icy winter. We have done this web site, charity, promotion, provided our comments to prestigious persons and so on. We hope people can get more understanding of Oriental White Storks and provide them a better place to survive.