1. Description of Our Community
Hualien is a place with beautiful scenery, and it is "the hometown of stones". It locates on the east Taiwan. The Central Mountains lies to the west of Hualien, and on the east is the great Pacific Ocean. Hualien County is the largest areas in Taiwan, but contains the lowest population density. We have the richest tour resources due to the natural beautiful scenery. Many ethic groups live here. We live together on the wonderful place.
2. Summary of Our Project
He, a special man, has lots of creative ideas in his mind. He came from Nantao to Hualien in 1986. In these 16 years, he devotes himself to Hualien education, especially on the art and music education, and his spirits influence many students. People who were taught or got alone with him are always affected by his passion and vitality. He makes efforts in promoting the education of art and music. For the sake of love for education, he has been to many rural places, such as remote mountains and coastal areas.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
(1)The Internet access in our school There is a Computer classroom in our school. We can use all the computers in this classroom to connect to Internet at the same time. In our school, we use ISDN and T1 lines to get onto the Internet. We can get onto the Internet in every classroom, offices, and teachers' lounge in the school. We usually do our project in the Computer classroom, office, and Grade 6 Classroom. (2)The Internet access at home Because we don't have much time to do this project, we are in a hurry when preparing it. It becomes more important that we need to make use of the computers at home after class or on holidays. Five members of us can get onto Internet at home. The others need to make use of the computer in their relatives or neighbors' home. We connect to Internet by computer, 56k modem through the HINET system of Chunghwa Telecom Co, Ltd.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
(1) Time pressure All of us think that we just have a little time to do this project from the beginning. In order to overcome the "time pressure" problem, we have to make good use of every moment, for example, a break after our lunchtime, after school, on every weekend and holidays to get onto Internet to collect information and type our reports. We do our research continuously. We are proud of this, because we have learned a lots from the research process during this period of time. We enjoy ourselves in this learning process. (2)Difficulties on interview process Many good friends of Principal Tang live in Nan-Tao, Taipei, Chai-Yi, etc. The schools where he served as a teacher are all located in Hualien but are widespread. He has been to many rural places, such as remote mountains and coastal areas, to promote the music and art education. Therefore, we have to overcome the difficulties of the limit of time and space. We also need to consider that whom we should interview, so we may acquire correct information. At last, we solve all the problems we face because of our stamina. We collect the information that we need. (3)Difficulties on designing the webpages Sometimes we have problems on how to design the webpages. We often spent lots of time on figuring out problems, such as the design of the subjects, columns, and pictures. However, these problems were solved after we discussed. (4)Difficulties on data collecting This is a big problem for us. Principal Tang is a principal when we know him. As a matter of fact, Principal Tang served as a teacher in many schools, and joined lots of public welfare services. This means if we want to learn more about him, we need to collect data form his friends, relatives, the parents of students, colleagues and interview them in person. Fortunately, they are willing to be interviewed by us.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
This is the second time that I attend the Cyberfair activity. After this activity, I learn more skills on using computer. I know more people who contribute a lot to our society during the process of each interview. I have some reflections after this activity: We should make good use of our time if we have lots of things to do. We should complete the things step by step. We can't do things without planning in advance. If we do things without playing, then we'll fail easily, or it'll cost much more time to finish the job. From the interview with Principal Tang, we know that he is also a graduate student now, and he likes to read books and playing music instruments as his recreation. He knows a lot of things. He is a creative man who dares to try. If you want me to describe him in a short sentence, I'll tell you that he is a diligent and learned man, just like a living dictionary.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
(1)Combining the Nine-year Integrated curriculum in school and cooperating with compound activity and local geography and history teaching The most important element of the Nine-year integrated curriculum, which contains 7 fields of study and 10 basic abilities, is integrated and theme teaching. " Spreading the seed of art-IT in the east part of Taiwan" is the topic of our project. It seems that we only have one main idea in the project. As a matter of fact, the content of our project contains art and humanity, local geography and history teaching, and compound activities, etc. The selfless and sacrifice spirit of Principal Tang is a precious subject for new curriculum. (2)Applying every sources into school activities What Principal Tang has done is mainly on caring services, music performances, art activities and public welfare. We also find that these multi learning activities that are planned by him are closely related to the public welfare which he devotes himself in. These activities are like communicating with town and city, and colorful music concerts, etc. (3)The process of research and the way we study in class is totally different. This is totally different form the way we studied in class. After the Nine- year integrated curriculum is performed, there will be one-fifth flexible curriculum in each grade. This kind of study mode meets the spirit of Nine-year integrated curriculum. It's good for students to learn, research and think independently. (4)Teaching is learning. Web studying is one of the most important ways for us to study. If you don’t know any thing about computer, you are out of date. Learning how to make good use of computer is not only good for you, but also discusses with teachers and benefits each other during the process.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
1.Tape recorder: To record the content of interviews and arrange data. 2.Digital camera and instantaneous camera: We use different camera depends on the occasion. 3.Telephone: To contact and interview with prople. 4.Fax machine: To contact and deliver the content of interview. 5.Radio: To listen to the program of Taipei educational broadcast to acquire the information about the Cyberfair activity. 6.Scanner: to scan the pictures. 7.Computer software: We use IE5.0,Dreamwaver mx,Word2000, PhotoImpact5, PhotoImpact6 and Outlook to accomplish our project. 8.Library and newspaper: To collect data. 9.Copy machine: To copy data. 10.Oral interview: To interview someone who is related to the project. 11.Digital recording machine: We use it when interviewing and arranging data.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
When we decide the topic of our project, " Spreading the seed of love: IT in the east part of Taiwan", we have realized the work that Principal Tang has done. We knew he devoted himself to education and our society. We really hope that we can arrange his stories and let more people learn more about him, because we are short of this kind of warm stories in today's society. We think the best way to present these stories is through web technology. In this period of time, we start to collect the data and everything from zero. Until now, we finish the project. We know we won't accomplish the job if we didn't work together. It will be an impossible mission for us to finish the project. Although the work is tough, we overcome it. We interviewed people, such as Chi-Cho Sho , the professor of Cha-Yi University. Don-Pin Feng, the principal of Hua- Kung junior high school. Wei-Lin Lee, the principal of Mei-Lun junior high school. Miss Sho, the leader of Mei-Lun church. Yi-Shi Lin, the principal of Nan-Tao Hu-Chu primary school. La-Mei Ma, the leader of Hualien woman youth group. Ka-Ray Chang, the manager of Tzu-Chang junior high school. Su-Jan Chen, the director of Cha Nan Mei Di, etc. We learn more about our Principal Tang by interviewing these people. We realize the work that Principal Tang has done, and how he did the job. The interviewers learn more about the Cyberfair activity after we doing the project. This project also shows what Principal Tang has done for our community and society. What he has done is approved again.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Although our work isn't presented on the internet (almost every teams are in the same situation), the project we done influenced our community. Before doing the project, we find that although there are many websites about figures, there are few about teachers who work in basic level. That is why we do this project. We hope we can present this part that is neglected by others for quite a long time. We want more and more people realize and learn about the project. We also use a different expression way to present our project. Through detailed explanations and pictures, we want to share this project with friends all over the world. After doing the project, we feel that the spirit of Principal Tang should be followed. We also want to offer schoolteachers a direct and complete reference information by the website, when they teach the local geography and history. We hope everyone can work hard for our homeland. If anyone has special interests on our project, he can do further research about this project in the future.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We want to give special thanks to a lot of people. Because of their helps, we can accomplish the research project in such a short time. These people are listed below: ◎The principal, teachers and students of Da-Yu primary school: They encourage and support us during the process. 1 The manager of Bai-Pu primary school, Shi-Wu Chen: He is a key man of our research project. The detailed data he offered help us to do the research. 2 We want to give special thanks to Wei-Lin Lee, the principal of Mei-Lun junior high school. Although he is busy, he is still willing to interview with us. He helps us a lot. 3 Chi-Cho Sho, the professor of Cha-Yi University, offers us data of Principal Tang's college life. 4 Yi-Shi Lin, the principal of Nan-Tao primary school, offers us data of Principal Tang's primary school life. 5 Miss Sho, the leader of Mei-Lun Church, offers us the data of Principal Tang's life in the church. 6 Su-Jan Chen, the director of Cha Nan Mei Di, offers us the data about children troupe which is directed by Principal Tang. 7 The members of Shin Wan I recorder ensemble and many students offer us stories of Principal Tang. 8 Teacher Wang and Lin and principal help us to solve the traffic problem, when we need to interview someone. 9 Thanks for the information that offered by the principal of Tzu-Chang primary school and teacher Wen-Bin Lo. …….. ※Note: Although we didn't interview famous people in our project, we interview people who are related to Principal Tang. We are so glad that they are willing to accept our interview. They are the heroes behind the scenes. Because of them, our report is close to the reality.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
(1)The importance of art education We know that Hualien is considered as a "culture desert" and lacks art atmosphere. However, Principal Tang devotes himself to develop the art education in this remote place. It is recommendable. (2)The pressure of time When we tear the calendar day by day, we feel the pressure of time. We make good use of time to overcome the difficulty. Now, we are efficient time managers. (3)Internet world: the boundless learning world We do the research project by internet. We search information form the internet, and we solve many problems. Because of the project, we increase the ability of interview, arranging data by computer, designing webpages, and collecting data. We are impressed during the process. We also establish the ability of using computers. In this way, browsing the net world is never a far dream for us. (4)The Cyberfair competition promotes the confidence of children who live in the country side. Although we grow in the country and study happily, we don't have equal opportunities as children who live in the city, in particular those who live in the west side of Taiwan. However, we find we are as excellent as them when doing the research project. We know that as long as we work hard and try to express ourselves in a creative way, we can present the life and vitality of children who live in the country. In the internet world, we can learn and share each other.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 2597)