1. Description of Our Community
What’s a community? A community can be defined as an area in which a group of people live sunder the same locality and under the same government. But Hong Kong is more than that. Hong Kong was a fishing community. Today, Hong Kong is a world-class, multicultural tertiary-production-based community. Situated on the southeastern coast of China, spreading out over 1100 square miles and comprising over 260 outlying islands, Hong Kong has proven herself worthy of turning a small fishing village into “Asia’s World City”—that’s from a “barren rock” British colony in 1841 to a never-sleeping metropolis by the turn of the millennium. Hong Kong is one of the world’s most densely populated areas, being able to fit a whopping 7 million people into such a small area. Hong Kong lives up to its fame for also being a shopper’s paradise. With her sovereignty returned to China in July 1997, Hong Kong now, with its highly connected transportation system, heads into the 21st century with tourism as its trump card.
2. Summary of Our Project
Hong Kong is a world-class, multicultural, tertiary-production-based community, and the tourism industry has always been playing an important role in the Pearl of Asia. CyberFair 2003 gives us an opportunity to explore another side of our home city. To really get to know Hong Kong and its environs, you have to get out and explore. Hong Kong is full of unexpected sights that are best explored on foot and at our own pace. We believe that these diverse and fascinating walks have introduced us to many of the delights in this “City of Life”, from traditional culture and heritage, to out of the way places beyond the city's bustling urban areas.
By doing the researching works for this project, we were all amazed by what we can discover about Hong Kong. This cosmopolitan city is a fusion of East and West steeped in 5,000 years of Chinese history and imbued with over 150 years of colonial heritage. From its origin as a fishing village to its present-day status as a world financial center, Hong Kong has mesmerized us with its energy and left us awed by its diverse splendour.
We learned a lot throughout this project; it made us to discover another aspect of our true home. By researching over 30 local attractions in this project, we finally noticed that there is a more beautiful side to Hong Kong than its clusters of billboards and high-rises. The natural sceneries are as alluring as the man-made attractions of Hong Kong.
We believe that through this interactive educational project, we, as well as other comrades from the across the globe, will be able to learn more about our history and heritage. And as an added bonus, we noticed the power of team spirit and learnt how to treasure our natural environment! We cordially hope that Hong Kong will recover from the Atypical Pneumonia hype. We believe that as long as we unite together, we will be able to win this "war"! The rivers will continue to flow…and the Pearl of Asia will continue to shine over everyone.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
In this 21st century, digital technology is becoming more and more essential to us; the use of Internet plays an important role in this great project.
With the help of teachers and old boys of our school, we started using Internet video conferences as the media for our meetings, discussions or even interviews. The Internet has always made our lives much more convenient.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
In this project, there are many problems that we encountered. Sometimes the problems look like rocks that block our roads, sometime it looks like a math questions that we don’t know how to solve. But after this project, we learn that getting problems are good experiences for us. (1) As we are the first time to join this Internation School CyberFair, we planned seriously on everything in order to achieve the best. We have to spend many time on discussing such as which topic we are going to do, what local attractions we are going to introduce ...etc. We always remind ourselves the main aim is getting unite and educate, which is the main them of CyberFair 2003. By the way, with our unite school spirit, we settled problems in the end.
(2) After this project, we noticed the biggest enemy to men! It is neither poverty nor Atypical Pneumonia! It is our time! Since it is a very great project, we need to spend a lot of time on interviewing our Community member, going everywhere to do the researching works ...etc. Remember Napoleon had said that, 'I can lose the victory, but cannot lose a second!' It proves how important time management is!
(3) As you may notice, the Atypical Pneumonia (SARS) has broken out serve in Hong Kong, as a result, many of our comrades grew sick or not feeling well. That was the biggest problem! Seeing the time of deadline of this project is passing from time to time, minutes to minutes, but many of us were still not able to be recovered, how can we finish it then!? We cannot give up! We were all very anxious. But again, miracle was worked out by our unite LaSalle school spirit, so we are able to finish it at last.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Since this is our first time in entering the International Schools CyberFair, all of our students and teachers are greatly enthusiastic and spirited over this project. Besides, it is an internation project, we hope we can have the opportunity to learn from others over the world. We are looking forward for the peer review section.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
While working on this project, many of us learnt a lot, especially in the fields of interviewing and presentation. Another key factor of this project is cooperation. Our team of about 30 worked very well together. Our work was spreaded out very evenly, but although we faced some difficulties when many of our colleagues grew sick from an atypical pneumonia that arose in Hong Kong, we finally finished our work with much satisfaction. Our hard work paid off and nothing seemed impossible. We had much support from our teachers and other community members after seeing how much we could learn about Hong Kong's hertigae from this project. Our school promotes group projects and projects involving the use of Information Technology. How does this project involve Information Technology? Well, in order to build a website, we had learn how. We exchanged information over the Internet and also had many of our meetings online. This project fulfils both of our school's demands and is a perfect choice as school-wide project.