1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Hardware we used: 1.Phones & Cellphones - good to use when you can't find someone on the Net 2.Digital Camera - Pictures can be used directly, creating no waste and saving a lot of film development fees for us 3.Printer - Invincible when we want to view our files on paper PC Indispensable. It runs all our software 4.Recorder - Equipment To take down our interviews quickly and accurately 5.USB Portable Driver - Floppy discs are fast succumbing to the smaller but larger storage capacity of the portable drive
Software we used: 1.PhotoImpact 8.0 - An easier image processing software that produces good results, too 2.Yahoo messenger 7.0 - Our main line of communications 3.CuteFTP 3.0 - A safe and easy way of uploading and downloading files 4.WinRAR 3.2 - Compresses large files for faster transmission 5.Windows Notepad - Easy to use, and good for storing information temporarily 6.Office XP sp-2 - Contains everything from word processing to webpage design 7.Dreamweaver MX2004 - A beautiful webpage design software that integrates 8.Flash MX 2004 - animation with webpages perfectly Photo
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We usually maintain contact through telephones or cell phones, because it's fast and easy. Mr.Chang was one of people we contacted by phone. Upon hearing about our project his voice became very excited and he came to visit us at our school to give us information as well as getting to know as socially. We still keep in touch now. About half an year ago we met an art teacher at our school. We went to his office and asked to borrow some lantern books from him. He agreed immediately, after signing an agreement with us that we should return the books 1 month later. But the books are still lying on our shelves. And the teacher's….er….not happy….. ^^' We promise to return the book as soon as we upload our pages, though ^^'
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Traditional culture deserves respect in its own right. People can learn to love their country and their country’s culture through traditional art.They will then have an artistic sense that can clease their soul. Our classmates are the best examples. Now they ask questions concerning lanterns and ancient Chinese art(s) instead of technology questions.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We chose the subject 'Chinese lanterns' because it's full of the taste of tradition. But the information concerned was hard to find. So, we asked Mr.Lai, our computer teacher for help. We were really lucky because he knew Mr.Chang (a retired history teacher whose sister owns LMC, the only lantern store in the city) Mr.Chang gave us a lot of information which would have not come our way otherwise It was a freezing cold Saturday morning that we went interviewing Ms. Chang-mei-mei at her store. She told us the history of the store, showed us all the lantern types in her store, taught us how to make a lantern, and took pictures with us. Of course there are still many people to thank, our parents who supported us, teachers who lent us books, and all our friends that paid attention to us. A big 'THANK YOU' to all those people~
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
The importance of teamwork and team sprit is not something that can be easily put aside on a project like this. Without the help of others (and the support that was given to us) this project could not have been completed so successfully.