1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Through the conduct of this project,our students act as spokepersons to introduce Shi-Zi Wetland to the entire world, further compare and contrast the other wetlands in the northern region of Taiwan , and to advocate the preservation of wetlands.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Through the webpage on She-Zi wetland,we hope to make our students aware of the beauty and importance of it, within our own community.After that, we wish each student from our school to carry out this information and the concept of wetland preservation to their families. We believe that as long as more people in the community are aware of the long neglected Shi-Zi Wetland, we could do a better job in terms of protacing our precious natural environment.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
i) Parents: Parents volunteered as our drivers for the field trips and joined us when experts gave us lessons on the wetland ecology. They also gave us a lot of suggestions and opinions.
ii) Experts: The wild association, the wild bird association as well as the experts – Mr. Chiu, Jin-Ho, Mr. Yang, Yu-Lan etc. They have helped us a lot in doing this project. iii) Teachers: Special thanks to the teachers and the parent volunteers of She-Zi Elementary school. They taught us the research methods, and helped us contact various community preservation associations. In total, their help made this project possible.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
i) Most people regard wetlands as merely muddy land with little economic value. But after many field trips and explanations from the experts, we realized that wetlands have very high ecological value. At wetlands, you can find birds, insects and plants of many different species. Those lives found in wetlands are very different from other what we could find other places. ii) Going on the field trips have given us real insights. The guides and narrators expressed different concerns for the wetlands. We see with our own eyes how the environment of the wetlands have been destroyed by dumping. Plants are dying and animals gone or dead due to the endangered living environment. This website was created in hope that more people will be aware of the importance of the wetland, and preserve them.