1. Description of Our Team
Bonny and Cylinna, both aged 15, learned about the Doors to Diplomacy project through One World Now, a leadership program dedicated to teaching other cultures. Karla, aged 18, joined the project after being approached by Stan White, the adult coach. Cylinna brought to the group her technology skills used to create the website. She also aided in the research project alongside of Bonny and Karla. Stan White, a business teacher at the high school, helped in forming the project question. After forming the question, subtopics were formed and distributed among Bonny, Cylinna, and Karla in accordance with their business interests.
2. Summary of Our Project
It is very well know that China and the United States are major trading partners. Knowing that the upcoming Olympics will occur in Beijing, China will need to import a lot of products to prepare for the games. We also knew that China was in the top ten of importers and exporters. Using this knowledge, we decided to take a closer look at the issues regarding U.S. trade with China and the impacts. Economics, society, culture/customs, employment, technology, World Trade Organization, and politics were all looked at. Each one plays an important part in the daily trade of items between the United States and China. The goal of the project was to investigate and see just how trade impacts each area.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
The Internet is a very useful research tool. However, for this project we were unable to find very much information that pertained to our project.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We had one major obstacle in doing our project: finding information. We had a really solid topic, but finding information was rather difficult. We had to cut out a couple of subtopics simply because we were unable to find sources to support the topic. The topic is also very current, which means that there is not a lot of information in books. The Internet provided more information, but it came from unreliable sources. We used news sites to find reliable sources, which included many current magazines and newspapers.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The Doors to Diplomacy project has been an exciting learning experience. We have learned a great deal about the impacts of trading between the United States and China and look forward to others viewing our work.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?