1. Description of Our Community
LuZhou City locates the suburb of Taipei metropolis; most of the citizens are from other regions. With the continued developments such as “San Chung rive for dredging the flood in 1984” plus the concrete constructions of city policy and strategy afterwards in LuZhou city; these makes it to keep developing rapidly. Because of changing from ?bleak region?to be a?abundant city?, LuZhou City has been becoming a region which is full of tall commercial buildings ?with vigorous commercial businesses ?flourishing industries and well public facilities.
LuZhou City is the smallest district in Taipei Hsien which is with the #2 population density. While, San Chung Bus Co., Ltd. attracts the working people to move in because of its prospering routes; this contributes much in history during LuZhou’s change from a town to be a city during developing.
2. Summary of Our Project
In LuZhou, we are able to see the San Chung Buses shuttle on the roads endlessly; most of important is that San Chung Bus Co., Ltd. is right the #1 among its competitors run by local people. From the following five places, we look into the bus industry: (1)The Bus’s history: staff?bus?ticket?system (2)San Chung Bus Co., Ltd.: history?organization?operation?station?driver?bus (3)Bus vs Living: commute group?service?courtesy (4)San Chung Bus Co., Ltd. vs LuZhou’s development: relationship?living environment (5)The future of bus: equipment ?motive system?the solution to the impact from the MTR
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
(1)The network environment in school: There are 4 computer classrooms total equipped with 160 sets computer for students’ education purpose. We use the dedicated ADSL from Taipei Hsien (ISDN/1M/T1) to communicate.
(2)The network in participators’ home: Every participator has his own computer system and sends emails to communicate with each other through ADSL wide band, network Hard disk and the “2005 7th Taiwan School CyberFair” website to go ahead the program study after classes finished.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
(1)It’s hard to collect the information of earlier stage: We found a lot of information collected by the bus fans during our studying for this bus history; but they are belonged to be the photos of recent age. As we thought of the bus focused in the metropolitan regions; so we tried to contact with the MTC BUS (the forerunner is the Bureau of City Bus Administration) who was assisting the “Discovery Center of Taipei” to held a ?Move Ahead—Taipei Public Transportation Fair?in August of 2005. Then we brought with our DV and digital camera to take several old-age photos in order to solve the insufficiency caused for the history photos.
(2)We face the difficulties during presenting the questions: In fact, the bus is not too strange for us; we also spend a lot time to discuss for the questions we will present. But after the 1st time to visit, we found that we often made mistakes to ask the wrong objects. Such as inquiry the executive staff regarding the bus driver issue and ask the Station Leader of Mr. Huang about the station site question. We are lucky that they have luxury working experiences in San Chung Bus Co., Ltd and are able to answer our questions. After the 2nd time, we, students, are easy to take care of conditions with listing several questions to the visiting objects. From the visiting LuZhou station site and Transportation Department of Taipei County, the procedure is more successful than before.
(3)The conflict between visting time and school activities: Some of our team members join the Clarinet club; the visiting time was happened to their race period. Their group practice time included morning?noon and Wednesday afternoon. After the negotiation with Teacher Xu; we reschedule the visiting to the gaps of group practices.
(4)Insufficient capacity in website creating Without any experiences on website creating, we faced some difficulties on layout’s arrangement. So this section is under the instructions by teacher: Huang, Ci Fen and Bi, Zhi Wei plus the experiences of wordings arrangement and photo editing; we finally accomplish the works step by step.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The green bus of “San Chung Bus Co., Ltd.” we saw on the road every day; it is right the biggest one private bus company in Taiwan. We are hard to believe this during teacher telling this truth to us. As starting we found that is owns up to 758 buses which are worth to call it number 1. The total size of 3 LuZhou station sites is larger than HT Bus. From the visiting procedure, there are several founding we did admire such as the Uncle Chen, San-Nong of LuZhou Station 1, he always keeps the bus as neat as he can and dresses up with kind attitude. Most of the passengers love to take this bus; company also offers the brand new one to let him drive. Of course, the salary and bonus he gets are the number one; he is right he idol we would like to imitate during our future working for the society. There also Station leader, Mr. Huang, and the Department Leader of Mr. Bu. They apply their interests to the company affairs and keep learning as social freshmen to study hard although they have much experience. What the girl students love much is the Vice Station Leader: Ms. Deng and Station Leader: Ms. Hua; this is because of their being supervisors among the male company and their hard working step by step to have achievements which let us to admire. After this experience in study and research, team members learn more than what they get in classes such as the achievements to focus on an innovation under serious investment.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
This study combines the educational ideas of ?Community has classrooms?from Taipei County with the local curriculums based on schools. We know more of LuZhou City through the developing history of “San Chung Bus Co., Ltd.” to understand the changes from LuZhou being accompanied with the transportation’s switching and the possible solutions needed to face the impacts from MTR. The main factors of this program How to make the project topics of ”Taiwan Schools Cyberfair” to be combined with the nine-year integrated curriculum and school oriented lessons? (1)The territory in literature learning (2)The territory in art and human culture (3)The territory in learning the natural and life technique (4)The six main topics ---information education What we get? A. The experience outside the classroom Without having books outside the classroom, we have to takes notes by ourselves to collect all the information from visiting the “San Chung Bus Co., Ltd.” and to sort out again latter. From zero to have something happened; this is really a good experience for us to learn. This let us to see the outcome and enjoy the procedure of acknowledge accumulated. B. Two heads are better than one. Some of the team workers are with high-speed typing?some of them love to think? parts of them like to present the questions and the other are familiar with computer. That means all of us are able to develop with our professional skill to cover each to let us know well of “all things in their being are good for something”. C. The importance of Cooperation and trust each other: Because of huge data needed to collect which is not able to complete within 2 weeks. It needs to divide and adjust the job in details according to various missions and the time each person being able to attend. During the whole procedure, we deeply believe that the capability from members should be understood by each other in order to have a great atmosphere under the team works. D. The learning outside classroom From inside to outside the classroom, teachers learn much interaction/human relationships from the employees of San Chung Bus Co., Ltd. No matter what job titles they are; they put most endeavors to their own jobs. Especially the higher position they are; the more modest they are. They always keep their knowledge in fullness with time passing.