1. Description of Our Community
In the past, Hong Ye was the habitat of the Amis Tribe, who scattered along the slopes around the police precinct. As there were many “lynxes,” people called it “kaoyao.” Due to typhoons and flooding, the aboriginals of the Amis lost most of their land. In addition, because of the invasion of Bunun, they moved to the west of the Coastal Mountains, i.e. Hekang now. After the Bunun Tribe migrated to Hong Ye, they settled down along the banks of Hong Ye River. They had a very small population only. In 1933, the Truku Tribe migrated here and called this place “yitaofukelenan.” As this piece of land was long and narrow, covered with trees’ shade, especially maple trees; therefore, people called it “Hong Ye” (red leaves). However, the people of the tribe still called it “aifunan.” The Truku Tribe of Hong Ye Village belongs to the Torko clan of the Sedeq Tribe. When they first moved here, the people mainly settled along the left bank of Hong Ye River at the west of Ruei-Shui Hot Spring and the southern slope of Hu-tou Mountain. Therefore, people regarded them as Hong Ye Tribe. A small number of them lived on the slope of Ti-chia Mountain, near Hong Ye Hot Spring now. Therefore, people called them “Hsibao” (treasure of the west). The tribe that followed was Bunun of Mahowandan Clan; they lived at the eastern corner of Hong Ye Tribe. The Hong Ye community is the southernmost community of Wan-rung Township (Aborigines’ Township), at 3km west of Tai-Route 9 from Ruei-shui. Now, the Hualien County government plans to turn it into New Ruei-shui Hot Spring Zone (covering 500 hectares at Ruei-shui Township and 360 hectares of Hong Ye Village, Wan-rung Township). Likewise, the entire Hong Ye community is included in the Hot Spring Zone. In addition, most of the important hot springs are located in this community. Now, the community has come to a consensus that we are going to develop it into a sightseeing and leisure hot spring zone. In addition to the natural resources, the hot springs, we will highlight the regional culture (aboriginal songs and dance, traditional handicrafts, tradition food, etc). In order to continue aboriginal culture, with the same consensus, Hong Ye Elementary School and the community always sponsor activities to continue the tribal cultures, with which we would like to manifest the community’s energy. Likewise, we can activate our community to attract more visitors and improve the operation of the community organizations and living quality.
2. Summary of Our Project
Recognized as a tribe by the government on January 14, 2004, Truku shares similar customs and cultures with the Atayal Tribe. Both of us live in the high mountains, hunt, plow the water field, and regard the rainbow as god’s bridge. Although we live on neighboring habitats, we cannot communicate with each other with our native languages. Therefore, we hardly interact with each other. As time progress, under the impacts of new culture, the people of the Truku Tribe cannot help but exclaim, “Life is getting more and more difficult!” In recent years, due to the changes in political and cultural environment, Taiwan’s aborigines are beginning to return to their own tribes and the tribes’ people are beginning to awake. However, we are astonished to discover that we are so alien to our own cultures. Likewise, we begin to interview the elders, the learned people, and the cultural workers in the villages, to record the elders’ oral history and collect the visible documents. Eventually, we would like to present to all the people the Truku’s oral literature, unique hunting culture, delicate weaving culture, magic bamboo plate mouthpiece, music, dance, myths and legends, etc. With the completion of these works, we do not only intend to record the last glimpse of Truku’s culture, but also to tell Truku’s children how to think in new ways with the hallmark of their tribe in order to fathom their meanings of existing in this era. Eventually, we will be proud to step on our ancestors’ rainbow bridge.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
In our school, there is a computer lab with 27 PCs. Although it is a small computer lab, it contains everything. Each computer is linked to the Internet. In addition, the LAN in our school is connected to Hualien County Computer Center; likewise, we have access to TANET. In addition to the computer lab, there are PCs connected to the internet at all the administrative departments. In this project, we all use computers in the computer lab to weave the web pages, and search for related information, and compile and change the records. Concerning the Internet environment at home, among the seven small Truku warriors, only three of them have PCs, connected to the internet, back home. Therefore, during lunch break, after school, and vacations the computer lab is extremely important to us.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
(1)Overcoming Computer Problems All of us did not learn how to weave web pages, not to mention engaging in project research. From the first day, our teachers told us it would be a difficult task and we needed to prepare for it psychologically! Fortunately, we had learned something useful from our teachers; it helped us overcome the procedures in conducting the research, building up an e-mail account, logging onto the Internet, searching for information, downloading necessary materials, weaving the web pages (the most difficult part of it), and processing the artworks. (2)Overcoming the problem of insufficient information sources: We, the Seven Little Truku Warriors, all live in the tribes in Hong Ye Village. From the mouths of the older generation, we can obtain some important information. From our school library, community development association, web search, and the Ethnic Studies materials from neighboring schools we are able to collect related pictures and information. (3)In this project, there are 7 students from Grade 5. All of us participated in a project for the first time. Likewise, the teachers pay much attention to our learning conditions. Fortunately, the elder brothers and sisters from Persian Cat Society, National Hualien Teachers College gave us much guidance. They gave us one-to-one guidance, teaching us how to use e-mail, ICQ, weave web pages, and interview. Each of us did well in learning these important skills.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
(1)It is impossible for us to make up something out of nothing. As the old sayings goes, “The seekers always leave their traces behind.” “We leave our footprints with our steps.” We have been working with Mr. Lu, Mr. Yu and Mr. Fan, the Department Head, on this competition enthusiastically. We discovered that our teachers worried about the contest more than we do. It makes us realize that “There is no free lunch.” In addition, there will be no gain without any pain. (2)Team spirit and division of labor allow us to perform smoothly in each of the activity. On the team, each of us is important because if any one of us does not perform well, it will affect the team’s performance. (3)From preparing this project presentation, we have learned many computer skills. In addition, we learned to use many kinds of digital equipment, such as digital camera, DV, recording pen, etc.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
In this process, our school combined the curricula of language, art and humanities, science and technology, art and human education together. From this project, we have learned our racial identity, cultural values, application of computer technology, which are very useful for us. Moreover, we have collected much information on Truku’s ethnic music and folk art, hunting skills, natural environment, weaving, and legends. In addition, we try to present this information in graphic means. Although the works do not have much artistic value, we have made an important step in our cultural heritage and continuation! About the applications of computer skills, we have learned many tricks in weaving web pages. In addition, we have learned how to do simple image processing. Although we sacrificed our lunch break and holiday, we all think it worthwhile.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
1.Oral Interviews:We have visited the local people and came to understand the regional oral history better. 2.Internet:We searched for related websites on the Internet and communicated with many net users. 3.DC,DV,Graphics capture card:We took pictures, recorded the voices and images of the interviewees during our interview. Then, we converted the images into VCD and voice recordings into MP3. 4.Scanner and Printer:We processed the images with scanners and had the information printed out for circulation with printers. 5.Phone & Fax:We communicated with the interviewees be phone and fax. 6.Flash Drive and CD-RW:We stored the information on these media for the use on PCs with no network connection. 7.Computer Software:NAMO, DreamWeaver, PhotoShop, Cute ftp, Office2003, etc.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
When we decided the date for conducting interview, our teachers would give us a briefing on the guidelines and skills for a successful interview. In addition, they also taught us how to communicate with people effectively. The teachers were really nice and told us everything we needed to know in detail! During the interviews, we recorded what the interviewees said when we asked them questions. In addition, we also took pictures of the interviews. When we played these roles, we worried if the interviewees did not like us? Fortunately, they explained to us with patience and in details. We would like to give them our greatest thanks! After explaining their answers, we presented them with some souvenirs with great respect. Of course, we thanked them heartily! The interviewees came from all walks of life, such as teachers, parents, neighbors, local people, elders, and local institutions (Community Development Association); they offered us much information. It made the contents of the webpages rich and solid.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Many parents are concerned about the education at school very much; therefore, they care about the teachers’ professional abilities and their teaching quality. We participate in this project just to show people that many of our teachers have furthered their studies in different areas, and their teaching plans and impacts on teaching after their studying further. Through the students taught by these teachers, we hope people understand what kind of changes there are regarding the students’ learning in class. From our website, people can understand the relations between our teachers’ research and teaching. In addition, we hope that they also can obtain first hand materials on the teaching conditions in our school and the interactions between the teachers and the students. All the materials in this project were gathered and compiled by local teachers and students through their interviews. Therefore, during the execution of this project, our little reporters traveled around the tribe; it made our classes more diverse and meaningful. In addition, the people we came into direct contact with were not limited to the people at the schools. We interviewed people at various levels in different counties and cities. Moreover, the students and parents that did not participate in project visited our website as well. They always visited us in the computer lab and gave us much encouragement.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
(1)Mr.Huang Te-Cheng,the head teacher of Hong Ye Elementary School gives us the greatest support and help. (2)The Hope Agent Development Association of Republic of China gives us the greatest support and backup. (3)We would like to thank Mr. Lin Jung-hui, the Director of the Community Development Association for his great interrelationship that helped us save much time. (4)We would also like to thank all the people that have helped us at Hong Ye Village: Mr. Chen Lin Tsung-yi, Mr. Lan Wen-lung, the Department Head, Miss Hsu Yu-yen, Mr. Hung Chin-yao, Mr. Yeh Chiu-ku, the Village Head, Mr. Chuan Kuo-chang, Mr. Yang Chen-sheng, etc. (5)The members from Persian Cat Society, National Hualien Teachers College – Thank you for accompanying us and guiding us. Last but not least, we would like to thank The Hope Agent Development Association of Republic of China for giving us help, rendering our project finished smoothly. In this project, the Hope Agent provided us with plenty of resources. Many times, when we encountered difficulties, they extended their helping hands on time. In addition, they donated 6 secondhand computers and a set of baseball bats. The some 10 brothers and sisters, such as Liao Ping-kuei, etc from the Persian Cat Society, National Hualien Teachers College sacrificed most of their weekends to give us valuable suggestions in finishing our project. We would like to give all of the people that have helped us our greatest gratitude.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
(1)We reaped a lot by participating in the Taiwan Schools Cyberfair 2006. In the research process, there were amazements and discoveries. We had learned the following: ?Discovery: The migration of the Truku Tribe and our cultural treasures allowed us to have a deeper understanding of our tribal culture. In addition, we learned to value them highly and to be proud of our cultures. ?Lessons: As the old saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.” As we had seven people on the team, we should accomplish our tasks better. However, if we could not split up the jobs among us and do sub-projects in accordance with our specialties, we could hardly finish our assignment. In addition, if we could not discuss the problems rationally when we came to any difficulties, we were just a sheet of loose sand, not able to accomplish anything! Therefore, from this project, we learned that “if we worked together, we could accomplish incredible results.” ?Amazement: “Computers are so versatile!” In the past, we thought computers were for video games and online chat rooms only. We did not expect computers to accomplish so many things in this project. What an important role the computer played in this project. From writings and graphics, which were rather static, to images and sound, which were rather dynamic, the computer helped us finish our jobs flexibly. We learned something really amazing! (2)We had very deep impressions on many things in this project, regardless whether interviews, word and data processing, refining of our skills in data collection, etc. Especially, when we interviewed the famous people or were interviewed by people, we felt much impressed. All these undertakings will leave us with many inerasable memories.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 4579)