1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
During Doors to Diplomacy project, we have used such tools like HP digital camera and scanner and also worked in such valuable web tool like Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver was the most helpful program that we have ever used, though we also learned how to make changes in Notepad in our web pages. It is really pity that we could not install WebBlender program. We have 6 computers connected to the Internet. Thanks to Relief International Schools online for providing us computers with the Internet access, so we can learn more about the world, at the same time introduce ourselves to the world by strengthening friendship with many nations of the world.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Since our project site is already uploaded to the web server, we have forums where we meet our web visitors. While creating this web site, we interviewed teachers and local TV and newspaper editors to learn much about the culture and art in our region. Of course, we have tried our best to cite all those web site the resources of which we have used in our web project, but we also would like to thank Firuza Djabborova of Relief International Schools Online Dushanbe Office for her comments and suggestions, as well as for her support.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Being involved in this project, we had to consult with editors of our local TV and Newspaper, they were really pleased to hear about the launch of our website about Tajik Art and Culture which is giving an opportunity to spread the word about our culture to the world. We are very happy that we could establish contacts with local media involving other people to take part in our activity. We plan further collaborate with people from our community and meet in forums in a regular basis. We would like to thank all contributors for their positive feedback about web site and their interest in our project.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We would like to thank Lyceum #3 director Mr.Kodirov Mirzohikmat for his support, as well as would like to thank members of English Club, 2 Project Groups, Web Designers'Club, Art and Photographers' Club in our center for their help and support to complete this project. We also would like to thank other Internet Learning Centers' students and educators who shared their ideas and views about our project. As there are more than 24 Internet Learning Centers in Tajikistan collaborating with our Internet Learning Center, most of the them visited our web site and conntacted via Yahoo Messenger sharing their knowledge and quests on the Internet. Thank you so much!
Special thanks to Luis Fernandez from Spain who encouraged us commenting about our website being in Madrid, Spain! Gracias amigo!
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
Abdurahim: This is the first web project in my life to make available on the Internet. I have learnt a lot reading books, meeting community members and last by not least working in a team. Each time when I dicovered new information to add for our website I was really surprised to see how much knowledge and information can be added to our website. I am very happy that thanks to this web project I got to know many things that will be curved in my mind for many years to come.
Naimjon:For the first day of our web project, I wanted to make a website to introduce my country, hometown to the international community. At last thanks to Doors to Diplomacy I could use my knowledge obtained in our Web Designers' Club in this project. I knew how to make a site but it was only theory. Now it is done. As I am also a leader of Youth Leadership Club I could gather and work with volunteers and made some presentation about Doors to Diplomacy. Now our website and it became like a huge educational and informative site that we daily visit! Thank you for making this important project available for us!
Muhklisa:The most interesting part of this project for me was hot to take interview going out of center. We usually have no such kind activity in our school, though we have taking interviews in our Internet Learning Center in Isfara. I am proud of being a part of this project team. Thanks to this I could get enrich my knowledge in the field of art, technology, history to name just a few. Thank you!
Zafar:Frankly speaking I am so much happy to work in this team, though I was the most busiest one with my studies at gymnasium. I always wanted to make a website about Tajikistan, especially about its history and culture. Thanks for allowing me to get a lifetime experience with the help of this project!