1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
oral interviews and telephones -- visit experts; interview through several phone calls computer software -- Dreamweaver MX, PhotoImpact 8.0, FlashMX books, nespapers -- look for related documents and reports recorders -- record interview contents, edit the records digital cameras -- make and edit CD picture Albums, scanners, printers -- scan newspapers or pictures, print out students' typing work laptop computers -- easy to bring with when visiting other places or people other computers -- students type written documents and surf information internet website -- surf data and communicate with internet pals flash discs -- is able to store a huge mass of data and picture files
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
At the beginning, Ms. Shiao was the one who started to work on data searching. She connected a Senior student studying at Transworld Institute of Technology and then was introduced to know a professor - Tan-Chao Won teaching in the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. Ms.Shiao told them about our project and the assistance required from them. To our gratitude, they all agreed to help and did provide lots of relevant documents -- secondary or primary ones. Afterwards, our leader student -- David Tung started to take every plan in charge, including contacting interviewers, planning the route of each trip, finding opportunities to talk to staff in Victoria Academy and people living in the community. Charlie Wang mainly took care of the distribution of different tasks, for example, interviewing questionnaires, tapes recording, outdoors visiting, daily recorders and journals, and website pages design...etc. Through those tasks, students played as ambassadors to meet various residents and people who are specialists in environmental study and sewage disposal, discussing the importance of keeping away water pollution issues.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
This project is the product of every participant's effort and achievement. Every participant have learned that a good project does need everyone's devotion and contribution in either individual research or team brainstorming work. Particularly, they also learned that 'science' is around us, everywhere in life, not just the things show up in the textbooks. Learning Science is not merely to meet academic achievement, but also to solve problems -- human or natural problems. Our community has a new group of pioneers are willing to take environmental issues into concerns.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We extremely feel an immense gratitude towards Professor - Tung-Chao Wun. He was not only provide plentiful data and useful disks to enrich our website contents, and all interviews were also conducted with permission from him. We also want to thank the graduates from Transworld Institute of Technology, volunteer parents, and administrators from our school -- Victoria Academy.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
All the living things on the Earth rely on the Sun, the atmosphere, water, and soil, those environmental elements to exist. If our environment is threatened or damaged by any human developmental activities, all living things will get into danger as well. The ecological balance will be destroyed, too. Therefore when we are striving to promote the built-up of man-made ecological pool, simultaneously, we are improving the sewage treatment. When the sewage treatment betters a lot, all living things will revive again. Another discovery from project is that we found that water pollution is the main factor causing lots of organisms' disappearance or inexistence. If a school uses waste water to water the court field or plants, then the wild beings will lessen gradually. How to get a balance between economic effect and environmental protection will always be a concerned topic for human beings.
Bibliography: 1.Yulin Environmental Protection Bureau:'? School & Community Sewage Natural Purification Evaluation Report of Yunlin County,2004' (Revision 2005), TRI-GREEN ENGINEERING CONSULTANT LTD. 2.Shian-De, Lin. 'Biodiversity Design for Living Environment',2001,Jang-Shi Bookstore. 3.Yu-Shian,Tu. 'Freshwater Cladocera (Crustacea:Branchiopoda : Cladocera)', 2002, National Hsinchu University of Education. 4.Division of Environmental Protection Education. 'Huan-Huan-Shiao-Ko Album',1990,Taiwan Mitsubishicorp.
Websites: 1. Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C., [online] http://www.epa.gov.tw/main/index.asp 2. Environmental Natural Resource Educational Research Center at Transworld Institute of Technology, [online] http://tracer.tit.edu.tw/titbyjl/index/index1.htm 3. Department of Safety Health and Environmental Engineering Institute of Safety Health and Environmental Engineering at National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, [online]