1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
The material that we used during the project’s creation is the following: Three computers (Toshiba, IBM and Hewlett Packard), computer software, books, oral interviews, internet and libraries. In general, these tools gave us facilities because we could achieve our goal. Each tool was found in our house, school and library, it wasn’t difficult the search of this sources. The principal tools that helped us were internet, books and oral interviews.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We would like to have the opportunity to defend our thoughts in a forum where people are opened to new ideas and try to work to apply them. In order to achieve our project’s objective (which is to make a social conscious about the need of real diplomacy in solving problems) it is important that it gets to the people that are in charge of solving international problems, so they can use diplomacy in their solutions.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We wrote this project to make a difference, we hope it gets to everyone, but if it only gets to one person and makes a difference in his/her life it would be worth it. We can not change the world, but we can change our world. If other people join to our cause, perhaps we could avoid war. Conflicts occur between nations and between people, but if nations and people make conscious that an unselfish and respectful dialogue can solve their conflicts, most of the suffering that a war causes would be eradicated. The largest part of the problems is caused by the lack of communication or misunderstandings.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Our project involved members of our community as helpers and volunteers. We thank to María de los Dolores García and Octavio Muñoz because they supported us in the website’s creation. We asked them if they wanted to be our advisers because they were teachers that have a relation with our topic and they accepted. They provided us experience and knowledge that is a primordial base for our project. Thanks a lot.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
This project provided us a great experience because it opened our minds to Diplomacy. At first, we had an idea of what is Diplomacy but after the investigation we could appreciate that Diplomacy has a relevant roll in the world. Also, it made us conscious about all the world’s wars that bring only losses and no solutions. The right way to solve the problems among countries is through dialogue and discussions.