CyberFair Project ID: 4182

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Zory - our wonderful artistic fatherland
Category: 8. Local Music and Art Forms

School: Gymnasium No.2
    Zory, Silesia, Poland

20 students, ages 14-15 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 17, 2006. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): Polish Edition of Cyberfair 2005

Classes and Teachers: Jacek Swierkocki, Jan Miketa, Magdalena Wróbel-Krakowczyk, Aleksandra Domagala, Agnieszka Radziszewska, Joanna Kason, Malgorzata Zimonczyk. The representatives of all grammar school classes.

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

Zory is regarded as one of the oldest towns of Silesia. Its history dates from 1272. At present Zory has about 65 thousand of dwellers. The town is situated in the southern part of Silesian voivodeship, near the boarder with The Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as near attractive territories of Silesian and Zywiec Beskidy Mountains. Our school is located in the center of Zory and is the oldest school in the town. Nearby situated old cemetery and the church dedicated to St. Philip and Jacob as well as the building where we learn they all command our respect to the history of our native town. We are absorbed by contemporary problems: we learn how to use computers, the Internet, we take an active part in the School European Club, we publish the school newspaper, we take part in many contests...

2. Summary of Our Project

Since the very beginning of the school existence we have been oriented at the artistic development of the students. A great majority of us attend music schools, dance groups, choirs, and takes part in various artistic events in Zory. The main aim of this project was to present local community seen from the angle of students own experience who have just begun their adventure with art. The students present local masters and interview them. We decided to show that not so big town as Zory is also vibrant with artistic life. Music, dance, painting and other artistic forms are all familiar to us. The artists from local artistic society are regular guests in our grammar school. We present them all in our project but at the same time we do not forget about the young artists who have already begun their learning a trade. The project 'Zory - our wonderful artistic fatherland' focused on the multimedia in a form of films as well as the direct communication in a form of interviews conducted by the students. The Portal made by students is the first web page of this type, which has been created in our town. It is actualized all the time. We present the most famous groups in Poland for instance Carrantuohill, but we do not forget about local folk groups 'Zory', 'Osinianki', the Polish dance champions 'Mazoretki'. Thanks to the immediate vicinity of Jazz and Light Music Department of Music Academy in Katowice a lot of artists from Zory centered around jazz and light music. Lothar Dziwoki and his Zory's Light Orchestra and Grzegorz Karnas are also connected with this Music Academy.We try to use mainly own multimedia sources in our work. As far as other authors are concerned, we were given a permission to place their materials on the project website.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

Apart from the computer room the computers are also in other classrooms. Moreover, the school makes use of two laptops. All computers are on line and has permanent access to the Internet. Grammar School in Zory was awarded twice with Interklasa Quality Mark.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

The main problem was the fact that the school found about the Cyberfair project too late and that it took part in it for the first time. At that time other projects were being carried out, including international projects. We had to plan appropriately all activities, especially the meetings at school with famous artists from Zory. The problem of different category is the fact that the Cyberfair website is created in English language. All texts included on the website were checked by four English teachers. At the beginning of the project realization the school was also obliged to buy a digital camcorder. It was also quite difficult to organize some of the meetings with artists who for instance, were on concert tours while we were doing the project.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

'The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence' The main aim of the project was to engage as many students as possible who could take part in it during art, music, computer science and English lessons as well as extra computer science and art classes. The important goal of this project was to focus students' attention on local artistic forms, events and make them aware of the fact that Zory is also a place for young artists creating their works. The additional benefit of doing the project concerns the use of information technology during conducting interviews and providing documentation of school and town events as well as developing skills relating to creating multimedia presentations and websites.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

The project 'Zory - our wonderful artistic fatherland' corresponds greatly with the computer science, art and music standard requirements. We chose the category ' Local music and artistic forms' of Cyberfair competition because we cared mostly about presenting the local artistic community in a form of a website. We wanted to engage the entire school community in gathering documentation and preserving local culture. There is no such website in our town and this is also the reason why we chose this category. We didn't want our students' work to be imitative nor originating entirely from outside sources of information. A great majority of aspects presented on the website is the result of the students' creativity, interviews, artists' visits in our school. Unfortunately, artistic events are poorly described and systematized in the Internet. It was our main task to carry out; that is to present and popularize all these aspects in a one place in the net. Information technologies were used mainly in the scope of optimization and graphic and multimedia files edition e.g. in our project we included many films. The students created multimedia presentations concerned with local music, painting, events etc. as a part of computer science and extra lessons conducted in a form of project. The students are divided into three groups: the reporters, technicians and webmasters as well as translators as a part of interdisciplinary project classes. The reporters used the Internet to search for information, the technicians were responsible for exchanging the files by FTP and testing the website. The smaller, mixed groups within one class were also created. At the same time a group of students during the art classes were occupied with organizing meetings with famous artists and discussed issues concerning music and artistic styles. The last and equally important task was carried out by the students who translated texts as a part of English lessons. The last work was done by the webmasters and the students who dealt with edition of HTML and PHP languages and the students who created simple animations in Flash technology. This is the way our website was created. We warmly invite you to visit it!

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

We used the following tools: a) 15 computers with the permanent access to the Internet and the appropriate software b) stationary telephone c) digital camera d) digital camcorder e) scanner f) tape recorder g) laptop with the attached microphone h) books and magazines While working on the project we visited the Town Community Center and the Town Library Branch which is located in our school. During the meetings with the artists, which took place in our school, we used digital equipment for recording. The school bought a digital camcorder for the requirements of the Cyberfair project. For text edition we used MS Word software. In order to enter the texts into the computers we used the television card. For graphic and multimedia files processing we used graphic processors: GIMP, Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Photo Editor. For compression and edition of files we used: Virtual Dub, Ulead Video studio. For film compression we used kodek Divx 4.12. PHP and HTML technologies with including texts are used for this website. Advanced technology PHP used on the website had positive effect on better organization of information. It was created by the students in simple word processing programs: Notatnik, WordPad. The animations were done in Macromedia Flash program. The website is completely optimized. The Internet was used both in order to test the website and to search for information. In order to send files into the server we used certain clients FTP e.g. WS_FTP. The website is included in the school domain on a fast and failure-free hosting.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

While we were working on the project we tried to organize the biggest amount of meetings with artists in our school. There were many people who visited our school, among others: Lothar Dziwoki - the director of Zory's Orchestra, Leslaw Zbozil - a sculptor. While attending Little Jazz Academy (concerts) the students had an opportunity to see and listen to such artists as: Jose Thorres, Bernard Maseli, Beata Bednarz, Shannon group. The students conducted reporter's interviews with prominent figures of Zory's world of art - Ewa Rotter-Plociennik, Dariusz Sojka, Grzegorz Karnas, Andrzej Marciniec. The project team took part in many artistic events in our town e.g. workshops. The local media was informed about our project. The team sometimes requested for making photos and films available to them. All materials done outside - photos and films are placed on the website with the authors' consent.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

This project has been realized until recently, however already in 2002 we worked on the presentation in English for the European competition Join Multimedia, where we presented artistic activities of the students of our school. All credits go mainly to the art and music teacher Jan Miketa who from the very beginning of our grammar school takes care of keeping good contacts between the school and local artists. The mass participation of the students of our school in artistic events organized by the Town Cultural Center, located near our school, became a part of everyday life. Music, cabaret and drama performances of the students during various events and competitions organized by our school became an inherent part of every ceremony program. We realized how many students of our school take active part in artistic life of the town while working on this project. The process of creating such a website in English and later on in Polish version roused common interests among artists from Zory. It will be the first such website in Zory where we are going to present not only ourselves but also music and other artistic events.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

At the beginning the project had to be popularized which was the job of a computer science teacher Mr Jacek Swierkocki and an art teacher Mr Jan Miketa. The English teachers stared to work in the next stage of the project. All classes were to define to what extent they want to participate in the project. As a part of computer studies classes the students created their multimedia presentations relating to the topics of the presentation and during art and music lessons they tried to systematize them. Apart from the school community the people responsible for artistic activities held in our town were also involved by the school reporters. The contacts with the Municipal Council in Zory, the Town Cultural Center, community clubs: Rebus, Wisus were of great importance as well. We think that the project ' Zory-our wonderful artistic fatherland' adjusted excellently in the local community, not only connected with the world of art.


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