1. Description of Our Community
Our community is made up of cities and towns in the southern portion of the State of Louisiana that observe the Mardi Gras holiday. In colloquial terms this area is referred to as "South Louisiana".
2. Summary of Our Project
Mardi Gras: A South Louisiana Cultural Experience explores the history and religious significance of the time-honored observance of "Fat Tuesday" throughout South Louisiana. Students researched the holiday and attended many of the associated festival activities, reporting what they learned.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
The biggest obstacle we had to overcome was the fact that the 6 - 8 grade gifted students from Our Lady's School attend class at Maplewood SPARK Center only one day per week for approximately four hours of class. We had to employ effective time management strategies to get the project completed. The other obstacle we faced was the fact that we chose Dreamweaver, a very sophisticated web publishing software that was very time consuming to learn. We did master it well enough to complete the web site and design our own navigation buttons using the accompanying Freehand and Flash software.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Participating in CyberFair has been a valuable learning experience. We made new acquaintances in our community as well as improvements in our writing and research skills.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our CyberFair project addressed the following National Educational Technology Standards:
- Students will learn to use the computer in real world applications. - Students will use peer editing in writing assignments. - Activities will be developed for teaching the use of searching for specific information on the web. - Internet research
This project also included the following Language Arts Content Standards from the State of Louisiana Curriculum Guide:
- A writing response to a social issue or problem - Language Arts Content Standards 1-2-3-5-7
- A persuasive writing piece dealing with a local issue - Language Arts Content Standards 1-2-3-5-7 - An original work - Language Arts Content Standards 2-3
Through participation in Cyber Fair we learned a number of new skills. We learned web design and publishing, digital photography, interviewing skills and Internet research skills. As an enrichment class for academically gifted, this project was an excellent activity.