1. Description of Our Community
The town of Malabon is basically a coastal town situated in the northern part of Metro Manila. Malabon, together with Navotas, Valenzuela, Pateros, Taguig, Pasig, and Muntinlupa, form the Metro Manila outer ring of towns, with the city of Manila as the center. Being a coastal town, it is surrounded by abundant seas and ponds which produce quality sea products that can be exported to other countries. The municipality is bounded on the north and northeast by Valenzuela, on the west and southwest by Navotas, and on the southeast by Caloocan City.
Salikneta Farm, is the practicum farm for the Agriculture classes of DLSAU, it is located at San Jose Del Monte City in Bulacan, a peaceful area and very ideal retreat from the noisy and crowded atmosphere. The people live a simple lifestyle, hardworking and prayerful, blessed with natural products like fish, root crops, vegetables and fruits. San Jose houses the Salikneta Research Institute. The place is perfect for conducting Agricultural researches, practices and on the job training of the Agricultural students.
2. Summary of Our Project
The students from IV-Bro. Arkadius had made five websites for Salikneta Farm. Those websites served as their major project in Computer Education. There is no existing website for this farm so they decided to make one for it. Afterwards, there had been an oral defense for their project. They had to defend their project in front of the Computer Science students of De La Salle-Araneta and take each criticism as an opinion. The websites had been partly criticized. After the defense, the outstanding website among them all will be chosen to be the official website of Salikneta Farm that will be linked to the school’s official website.
This website aims to introduce Salikneta Farm to nature lovers and peace seekers who want to escape the noise and chaos of the metro. Not only does it provide a peaceful haven for the weary souls but also a training ground for future agriculturists and farm developers of our country. This place had also helped the Hotel and Restaurant Management students of the De La Salle- Araneta University in enhancing their food and milk industry knowledge and inspired its students in the field of Agriculture.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We had faced lots of dilemmas in conducting our interviews with the brains behind the development of Salikneta Farm. We had a hard time in finding our way around the 64 hectare farm. The weather itself doesn’t seem so happy during our trip because it rained very hard. But those un-avoided circumstances didn’t dampen our spirits in gathering information about the farm. Due to the land’s wideness, we ran out of time in gathering more information, data and pictures which will be a great use to us in developing our website. One of the many hindrances is the location of Salikneta. It is located in the wilderness of Bulacan and none of us is familiar with the place. It is found in Barrio Tungkong Mangga, San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan which we haven’t heard before.
Due to the land’s wideness, we ran out of time in gathering more information, data and pictures which will be a great use to us in developing our website. One of the many hindrances is the location of Salikneta. It is located in the wilderness of Bulacan and none of us is familiar with the place. It is found in Barrio Tungkong Mangga, San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan which we haven’t heard before. Several things that were beyond our control also did happen. Some of our classmates got lost inside the farm while searching for the bamboo plantation. Some of us almost fell off from a cliff , one of our classmates had injured himself in the barb wire, others had an unexpected swim through the river and we all went home dripping wet and freezing under the bus’s air conditioning unit.
But worst of all, some of us had our gathered information wet from the rain so they don’t have any choice but to go home empty-handed. Another one lost his mobile phone which contains pictures and images which can only be taken from the farm. With all the problems we faced in researching about Salikneta, we didn’t give up. We relied on the thought of finishing our project and being selected to be the official website of our farm and winning once more in the CyberFair National Competition then afterwards, in the CyberFair International Competition.
The experiences we had had also strengthen our bonds and friendship. We learned that the essence of winning is not all about competing, but in helping each other in accomplishing goals bestowed on each of us and doing our best. There is a saying “United we stand, divided we fall.” As long as we learn to cooperate and unite with others, we can surely reach our goals.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
De la Salle-Araneta University is one of the famous agricultural schools in our country; it gives an important role in the agriculture-related courses for the betterment of its students. It owns one of the biggest lands in San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan. Salikneta Farm, is used as a facility in forestry, agricultural operations and experimental/practicum which is experienced by most of its students.
Aside from serving as a laboratory and research facility, it is also used in conducting Agricultural-Forestry Ecology. This tourism-integrated farm is complete with recreational facilities such as horse back riding, carabao cart-pulling for passengers, camping, mini-zoo and conference area wherein visitors of the farm could stay.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Before we enter this competition, we were first required to make a website for our project. It is a difficult task to do because it’s our first-time to make a group project with our classmates that we hardly talk to. We have different point of views and we can’t find ways to put all our ideas in one project with out having heated discussions with our group mates.
It was the beginning of a lasting and strong friendship among all of us. We learned to help each other in order to create a great website. We had faced the dreaded panel of judges who reduced our websites to pieces in order for us to improve. Applying the values we learned to our daily lives, we aim to inspire other people younger or even older than us to do their best and not to settle for anything less.
We had used certified true information that we gathered through intensive research about the subject matter. All the photos, images and information had come from the Salikneta farm and none of it had been uploaded in the internet. By doing this project, we learned lots about Agriculture that we never know before. It helped us to understand Agriculture and Animal Husbandry better and in developing love for nature and the simple ways of life. We learned how to manage our time because we can never go back there anymore to conduct further researches without the company of our teacher, Ms. Leila Arevalo.