1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used 3 computers with internet connection, telephones to contact teachers, directors of the schools and libraries, to get information. Digital camera to take photos of students, scanner, books, resources of libraries, dictionaries and to conduct presentation
Following computer software used by us: Adobe Photoshop, Word, FTP, Front Page and Total Commander
All these tools are used in Educational Computer Class of the school. And all these tools were very valuable for us, because if there weren’t any of these tools, we couldn’t realize our project as we hoped.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
During the research we were in the libraries, and while being there we made announcements of our project. After announcements many interested people were expressed their willingness to know about our project, and helped to us with finding information. We promised them to bring posters of our project and make presentations at libraries in March to aware them with actions.
We will put project web site into www.connect.uz, this is a web site of Global Connections and Exchange- Uzbekistan program which bring together 40 schools (our school one of them) in Uzbekistan and other partner schools in the world.
In addition, we are planning to conduct presentation at schools #12, #8, and #10.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Our project made outreaches to our community our first priority. If we could make a difference in our community, then our efforts would have been worth while. Therefore, since the beginning of our project we worked to involve our community and share our web site with as many people as possible. Our purpose was to convey the importance of international compassion. Visitors to our web site have not only learned about Aral Sea issues, but how to evaluate current diplomatic conditions. Throughout this project we have continued to create relationships with teachers, administrators, community leaders, and students. Other schools and teachers throughout the state have seen our web site along with businesses, community groups, family members, and college professors among others.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
- Karim Safarov, employee of Saving Environment Committee for interview
- Zaynab opa, director of our school for helping us with realization of the project
- Sabina Karimova, teacher of 5th graders , for pictures of Aral Sea
- Hamdam Choriev, geography teacher for helping us with research
- Shuhrat Barotaliev, informatics teacher for helping to create a web site
WE thank all who interested to our project, helped and supported us during the realization of our project.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
During the realization of our project we have gained new skills which will help us in realizing other projects in the future and there were many discoveries and surprises.
We have learned to research! Before we were doing small researches for classes, but this time we have made enormous research and worked on very huge materials. While researching, we gained new skills like analyzing, planning, writing and thinking creatively. Our biggest surprise was when we found out that World Bank stopped programs directed to solve Aral Sea issues