CyberFair Project ID: 4134

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Research on Successful Management with a Case Study of a Ten Ren Tea Shop
Category: 3. Business and Community Organizations

School: Wesley Girls' High School
    Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan

5 students, ages 17-18 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on February 28, 2006. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2005

Classes and Teachers: Miss Lin, Yu-Wei;Miss Lee, Shu-Fen;Mr. Chen, Ying-Nan;Miss Chen,Ching-Mei;Miss Chen, Tsai-Feng

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site: http://

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

The “Ten Ren Tea Shop on Ling-Shen N. Road” that we researched is located in the Zhong Shan District of Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan. Even since the Japanese-era, this District has long been prosperous. Many foreign visitors, mostly from Japan, have come here for business and for sightseeing. Recently, with the building of some modern facilities, much as the Mass Transit Transportation System, commercial office buildings, luxurious hotels, and mega shopping malls, Zhong Shan District has turned out to be much more important than before. One of the nearby world-class building in the Grand Formosa Regent where many internationally-famous celebrities have stayed and where the owner of the Ten Ren Tea Shop had the privilege to perform the arts of making and serving tea to them. Another crowd-puller in the Shin-Shin Movie Theater, the only movie theater in this area, which attracts customers young and old to the tea shop. Among the numerous coffee shops and fast food chain stores, Ten Ren Tea Shop offers unique products, ambience and services that set itself apart.

2. Summary of Our Project

A series of interviews were conducted to find out how a small shop like this can achieve successful operation. Questionnaires were designed for an analysis of its customer group and their choice. Photos are given to present the business run in this shop and the merchandise sold in this shop. Web pages and website were designed and constructed on school computers under school teachers' instruction.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

The 100 computers in the two computer rooms are not always available. Without teacher’s permit on the application to the school authorities, students can not use them except during the computer class. Although the speed of internet is rather fast, yet the speed tends to slow down when there are too many files to upload. Besides, under the control of the school authorities, some websites are not available, causing much inconvenience.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

Challenge1: Language Participating in the international-wide contest has long been difficult for us. While designing own website, the first obstacle we met was “English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-English translation”. As high school students living, growing up in Taiwan, speaking and thinking always in Chinese, we found it hard to read all the rules, regulations, procedures and terminologies stated in English. When we were introducing the tea-related products, we need to either create some new terms in English or use Ping-Yin Romanization System to name our products. Under the guidance of our teachers, we have overcome the difficulties, and for the first time in our lives we found English ability really essential. Challenge2: PC skills Computer skill is another challenge we faced. In our team, none of us had hands-on experience in designing a website. It was actually our first close encounter with many computers software. We exercised our muscles to learn, to ask, to search reference books to carry out our plans. One of our concerns is setting the size of the website page, that is the “Viewing distance” of the page; at what distance, on what layout of the page will the viewers feel comfortable and relaxed reading our pages. We kept on adjusting, adjusting and adjusting, just for that ideal “Viewing distance”. Our equipments, mainly computers, were provided by our school, and we also relied on our own desk-tops at home. The various characteristics of our desk-tops and the ever inconsistent performance of the internet system greatly influenced our timetable. Challange3: Time We actually live in this school---a boarding school. From Monday morning to Saturday noon, without permit no one can leave school. We lead a 6:00 A.M. to 10:00P.M. life, so we have had little time at our disposal, only the ten-minute recesses and the noon breaks. All the interviews, questionnaire distribution and website design could only be done on weekends and holidays. We need to coordinate the spare time of our team members and the interviewee---the ever-busy manager of Ten Ren Tea Shop – Mrs. Chou. The most frightening and nervous part of our research is when distributing our questionnaires to total strangers. No matter how they reacted, we were always smiling. On several occasions we communicated with the Japanese customers in English plus body languages, that was interesting.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Through this research, we learned much about tea. And from the interviews we saw how a successful enterprise promotes its products and also how it introduces the tea culture of our country. What this company has emphasized is the long-term relationship between the company and its customers, not always the benefit they can possibly make. We also realized that perseverance leads to our goals; never give up questioning, communicating in the right way and with the right attitude bring the tasty fruit of accomplishments.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

1.We have learned to merge one of the school projects 'Tea Culture in Taiwan' with what we learn in Taiwan's history and geography courses. We have come to know better the elements of achieving enterprise excellence. We have known beyond a high figure of sales but more of the techniques of management that lead to success. 2.The project has to be presented on the Internet, which is so different from the conventional way of written reports. Therefore, cyber literacy is more than just a course and Internet facilities have become an issue in school management. We also exposed ourselves to information that is not to be learned in the textbook, like tea leaves, tea pots, or business management. In addition, we've learned how to efficiently search data online or how to use the digital camera in a more advanced way than just taking photos. The popularity of computers and the Internet have made a great difference in our daily lives, so should they be applied to our schooling. With the Internet, our learning will become more diverse and interesting, giving us faster and easier access to knowledge with no limits, and this is what conventional education needs most.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

At school, we used the computers, software, scanners and digital cameras provided by the school. But when doing interviews outside school, we used our own equipments such as cell phone and digital cameras. *Computers: Website design, search data and upload our project. *Oral interviews:Visiting the manager of Ten Ren Tea Shop on Ling-Shen N. Road, Taipei---Mrs. Chou. Help with interviews and provide information and our complete questionnaires. *Telephones and cell phones:Made it easy to reach our teammates when meeting outside the school. *Digital Camera:Took all the photos used in the web pages. *Tape recorder:Made it possible to record the whole interview. *Memory stick:Easily stored all the document and photo files in one disk and made it easy. *Book:'King of Tea' -- Lee Rei-Ho. To understand Mr. Lee ‘s philosophy and King of Tea’s history. *Software:Macromedia Dream weaver MX 2004?Macromedia Flash MX 2004?Photo Impact 8?Microsoft Office Word 2003?Microsoft Office Excel 2003?Internet Explorer?MSN Messenger 7.0

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

An 'ambassador' is a person who represents his or her country or, in this case, school or organization. In order to accomplish this project your students probably contacted and talked to people in your community... in person, through letters and phone calls, and through email. During those contacts, students probably had to tell them about this project and some of the other things that you were doing at school. In this section, tell about the different ways that students contacted people in your community. We would also like to hear about any interesting anecdotes or stories or outcomes of those contacts. For instance, did you get any visitors or donated services because of your contacts? Are people impressed with the work that you are doing? How did they tell you they are impressed?

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

In the hustling and bustling city, among hundreds and thousands of stores, few people even notice the spirit and mission of Ten Ren Tea. Our website created an opportunity for viewers to know that this locally founded company has Chain stores globally. And this company’s spirit and mission is to serve and to educate. Not only we researchers learned much about Ten Ren , our teachers, the judges of the contests, all the students who have gone through our websites have found this website an eye-opener. Our website aims to let the world know this company, and to inspire the young generation to follow the steps of Ten Ren.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

We appreciate Mrs. Chou, the manager of Ten Ren. Tea shop on Lin-Shen N. Road,in Taipei, for helping us finish this research. Her daughter, Miss Chou, in an alumnus, who treated all the teachers who came to taste and buy tea warmly. The former student and teachers became good friends. Luckily through those teachers we were also treated passionately by Miss Chou who along with others staff members provided us with research material, answered our questions and taught us many new things about tea maleing. They helped us doing questionnaires, taking pictures inside the store and assisted us interview Japanese customers. Without her help, we could not have finished into project. We also are grateful to those customers who answered our questions and filled out our questionnaires.

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

We discovered that time management is vital important. Time affects our short-term and long-term plan. Time stops our timetable. We learned that the sense of responsibility is vital important. Team spirit, cooperation and communication lead to achievements. We are surprised to know so many new things: software, animation, graphs, tables, and all the new skills to put all things together into a website. Surprisingly incredible, we have made it.


View our CyberFair Project (Project ID: 4134)

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