1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Throughout the period during which the project was compiled, the following technologies were used: · Personal computers – 11 computers were used for a number of uses, e.g., word processing, scanning, image manipulation, communicating through E-mails, sending and receiving faxes, building web pages, etc.
· A server & ADSL – These were used to provide the school with Internet access.
· Telephones, Mobiles & Smses – the most popular communication tools used by all those involved in the project.
· Digital Photo cameras – to take photos of the students working on the project and to take photos of the Roman Remains which they visited.
· Scanners -- These were used to digitise photographs, drawings, pictures, maps, postcards and examples of children's work.
· Fax machines, plain paper copiers and other office equipment – these were used extensively throughout the project.
· School Library – the students did alot of their research in the school library where they checked various books, leaflets, newspapers, magazines, charts and booklets.
The software applications that have been used include:
· Microsoft Word – word processing software for typing in, editing and saving all the scripts and documents.
· Microsoft Power Point – for helping the students with the presentation of their project.
· Microsoft Publisher 2002 for building the web pages.
· Pix Around for created 90 degrees and 360 degrees photographs.
· FTP software - to transfer our pages to the file server
· Mail software - to communicate with different people.
· A Web browser (Internet Explorer) - to browse through Internet resources.
It is very difficult to say which tools were most important since all the above were extensively used throughout the project. However one must surely not forget the valuable information and pictures we got from libraries (especially the school library), history books, history leaflets and booklets, tourist brochures from the NTOM (National Tourism Organisation of Malta) local tourist and history magazines, and postcards.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We got help by various individuals through emails and told our relatives about this Project. We also represented our school when we went on the educational outings to the Roman remains and told the guides and officials on site about our project.
We are also going to write an article about our CyberFair Project in the local Sunday newspaper (which is very popular with the local population in Malta), in our school annual magazine and in our school newsletter (both of which are read by all the school community).
Some archaeological sites mentioned in the project are not well known among the local community. So by mentioning these sites in our project/website, we will be making these “unpopular” Roman remains better known with our local population.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Through this project we learnt more about the Romans in Malta and the remains (e.g. The Roman Townhouse & catacombs) we have of this interesting period in Maltese History. Apart from information about the Romans in general, we also learnt things, which will surely help us throughout our lives; like respecting deadlines and researching the topics we were assigned. We are also glad that our website will make a positive difference in the people who will read and view our web pages since they will learn a lot about the impact of the Romans on Malta and the Mediterranean. Our parents and relatives are also very proud of our participation in this international competition and were positively amazed at the high level of our project.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We are very grateful to our teachers who gave up their break-time to supervise and help us during our project work. We are also grateful to the parents and relatives who provided us with magazines and books about the Romans. We also enjoyed the group-work as we all worked well in this excellent team-work.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
The theme of the Cyber Fair competition is Inspire and Unite. Our project, entitled the “Romans in Malta”, ties in perfectly with this theme. The Romans can be said to have been the power of the Ancient world that has inspired varies aspects of life, be it political, legal, economical and social up to the present day. The Romans were also the ones that managed to unite the whole Mediterranean under their rule in ancient times and so manage to transform it into a “Roman Lake”. The idea of a united Mediterranean under one power has inspired many European leaders throughout history among whom Napoleon. This dream can be said to have materialized through the creation of the European Union, of which our country has formed part since 2004. The European Union has brought political, religious (Europe is predominantly Christian) and economic unity to the twenty-five European Nations in which 450 million Europeans live. Modern legal systems have also been inspired by the Ancient Roman Law. It was thanks to the Romans that our country, often isolated throughout its prehistory, came to be united to the culture and politics of the then known world.
Through this project we learnt how to work using computers. Moreover we learnt how to use Microsoft Publisher to create a website ourselves! Creating hyperlinks was quite easy and fun in fact!! We were also surprised at how much information one can find on the Internet regarding the Roman Empire and the Roman Republic. All the information we learnt will surely help us in future History lessons and exams. Through this project we also succeeded to meet up with our friends and teachers in the weekend outside school hours and visit the Roman Townhouse full of Roman remains and the Catacombs. Later we also had fun by going for a snack together. We were impressed and surprised at how easy, fun and educational it is to create a website given that there is team-work and dedication.