1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
For our project our team used digital still cameras, oral interviews with the museum guide, books from the library and the museums themselves.
We were greatly helped, in fact, we would not have obtained any of our information without the above help. Our most valuable information came from actually visiting the museums and asking questions about the exhibits.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
Each student felt like an “ambassador” representing our CyberFair entry as we contacted the curator from each museum to explain our mission and set up an appointment for our visit. Students and parents became a team as they excitedly worked on this project and spent quality time as a family and as a part of a larger program committed to represent our school and desiring to portray our community to others. We further became “ambassadors” to ourselves as we have come to take our community for granted and often feeling we have nothing special to offer visitors who come to Rockford. We have come away from this project feeling the project has been an “ambassador” to us and helping us to understand why we should take great pride in our community and appreciate the variety of interests Rockford holds for not only visitors, but also for its citizens. This project was a wonderful way to gain public speaking ability both on the phone, through e-mails and in person. Through this project, many people have been curious enough to check out our school website and the CyberFair contest more specifically. People are truly impressed with the work that has gone into this project. Jason is the major constructor of this website and has had contacts of people wanting to hire him for the quality of workmanship and detail the project exemplifies. That in itself speaks highly of the project.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
The impact of this project is yet to be measured. Our city council has been contacted through a local alderman and we have contacted the mayor’s office to enlighten him of this venture. Our community will recognize the website as we have sent press releases to the local newspaper and local television and radio programs. We anticipate the teens being asked to be on a morning or noon local television program to get the word out to more of the community about the website. Students are buying an advertisement in the local newspaper to further promote the venture. We fully believe we are in no way finished with being able to present it to various groups around the area. We certainly hope our project has made a difference in many ways. First, it has enhanced the relationship between a few thirteen year old youths and a sixteen year old from the same school. These middle school youths look up to Jason Febery and have every right to do so. Jason is an excellent student who is scrupulous in details relating to this project. This alone has spoken volumes to these younger teens and in turn they should someday make a difference in the lives of younger teens. We know students at school have learned new things through our Web pages. Many have never spent time at any of these local landmarks and now they at least have one of the museums on their “to do” list of things to do in the near future. Many people gave input into this project. We wanted to make this a Rockford area project in every way and even asked the use of the Phantom Regiment, an internationally recognized band and we are honored to have their music on this project.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Help was recieved from each of the locations that we visited. Information was distributed, tours given, and pictures taken with the help of workers at each location. Also, our project has recieved advice from John Groh, the Head of Rockford's Chamber of Commerce. Also, many parents put a great deal of time and energy into this project. It couldn't have been done without them!
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
Through working on this project, our team has learned many lessons, the most significant of which is time management. With a project of this magnitude, it is necessary to create a timeline outlining when everything should be accomplished. By doing this, we feel that we were able to allocate our time wisely, and thus finish with time to spare.
Our project has recieved recognition and praise from a number of sources, including local newspapers, educators, aldermen, and other government officials.