1. Description of Our Community
Studying of Information Technology is not only conducting trainings on computer literacy among teachers and students but also involving neighboring residential area (makhallas) residents, students of higher educational institutions, employees of various organizations and enterprises, for example, employees of hospitals, railway stations, and kindergartens. All these category of strata of society we assume as a local community.
2. Summary of Our Project
This year we celebrate the 2700th anniversary of our city Karshi, one of the ancient cities of Uzbekistan, the city that has a significant place in world history and culture.
Due to the anniversary restoration works of ancient monuments are being made. One of the monuments the mosque Kok-Gumbaz was built in 16th century.
Our project is an attempt to tell a story about history of the monument, epoch of medieval Karshi, restoration of monuments by the example of Kok-Gumbaz, and also about significance and benefit of the monument for the community.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:none
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Technical problems we confronted with in the process of work on the project are connected with the lack of DSL connection; due to this issue we have a slow internet connection.
Presence of the above mentioned would much improve coverage of the material chosen.
Frequent electricity outage was also a part of the problems. It connected with the debts of electricity use.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The work on the project enhanced knowledge of students on history of the city, gave the students an opportunity to closely concern themselves with the history of the city, to see with their own eyes all the beauties of monuments of ancient history. Our project gave the students an opportunity to make a research, to take interviews, to generate and gain knowledge and skills, to improve communication skills with interested people, to conduct dialogs in the right way, and to work in team.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Themes we chose within the project comply with school standard of the subject history of Uzbekistan. It aimed at a profound study of the local history, a demonstration of interest in the history of ancestors, how they lived, to what they strive for, what customs they had. The project included study of events that took place in national history and in history of the city. Learning these students acquaint with the creative work of their great ancestors.