1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used 5 P4 computers to type out our content, design our websites, sort our photos and conduct
our internet research.
Software used include: Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Notepad
Telephones and handphones allowed us to contact each other quickly and discuss our project. They
also allowed us to contact the organisation in charge to ask project-related questions.
We used digital cameras on our visits to Memories at Old Ford Factory to take photos so as to
obtain pictures for our websites, allowing our websites to appear more vibrant and less text-
Adobe Photoshop is used to edit our photos so that they can be used on our website. We also
designed our own graphics such as banners and buttons using this software.
Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver were used for editing our website quickly and easily. Advanced
coding for our site was done with Dreamweaver.
Notepad was used for basic HTML coding and editing. We also typed and stored our information
using notepad before putting them on our website. Notepad was used for information storage as it
can be accessed with any computer and did not have a large file size.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
During the course of our project, we had to contact the management of Memories at Old Ford
Factory, describing our project and conveying the objective of the website. This allowed
Memories at Old Ford Factory and our contact to learn of our objective. In the end, we managed
to gain their support for our website.
By setting up our website, we are encouraging the younger generation of Singaporeans to learn
more about and from their history. It is our belief that we will only be learning history if we
know about the historical events that happened as well as the learning points that we can get
from them.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Our community will learn more about the important events of Singapore history as well as those
of the Old Ford Motor Factory through our project. We hope that our project will trigger off
Singaporeans' interest in history, causing them to take the initiative and learn more on their
By visiting our informative website, people can learn about the Old Ford Factory as well as the
historical events that are directly tied to it. We hope that this can provide visitors with an
understanding of these historical events.
Through our website, people can learn of and from history, and students can understand the
purpose of studying history in school. We hope that the knowledge that they can gain from our
project as well as the learning points can allow them to learn from the mistakes of the past and
prevent a repeat of such incidents.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Firstly, we would like to extend our gratitude to Stella, our contact at 'Memories at Old Ford
Factory' for her support and patience in answering all our queries despite her busy schedule.
Feng Run, our co-ordinator, who introduced us to Cyberfair 2006 and shared his previous
Cyberfair experiences with us. The advice he gave helped us tremendously as we had no prior
experience with Cyberfair.
These two key persons, along with our teacher-in-charge, Mr. Suria, have allowed us to complete
this undertaking. The effort and time they put in to help us in this project will not go
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We had our fair share of surprises while working on this project, and this has taught us
invaluable lessons. Along with data losses and crashes, we had to deal with a sudden change in
plan. Our original plan of working on another attraction had to be changed at the last moment
due to several reasons. This took us completely by surprise as we had already done quite a fair
bit of research on the topic. This sudden turn of events has taught us that adequate planning is
essential to any project, and we are certain that we will not commit this mistake again.
Along the way, we also discovered the rich history that Singapore has. Before this project, most
of us had imagined Singapore to be a dull country due to its short history. Our visit to the Old
Ford Factory truely opened our eyes to the rich history of Singapore. What we discovered there
was the sufferings and hardships our older generations had to endure for Singapore to be what
she is today - a prosperous cosmopolitan city with a bustling economy. This changed our mindsets
- we no longer thought of the older generation as outdated and boring. Now when we look at
them, respect is all we have for them.
Furthermore, we now understand the importance of having a strong defence, as illustrated in the
country's Total Defence plan. A strong defence acts as a deterence to potential aggressors and
prevents future generations from suffering the same fate as the generation who went through the
Japanese Occupation. This is why a strong defence is vital for the country's survuval.