1. Description of Our Community
We have chosen our native city which is the center of the Central Black Soil Region of Russia. Voronezh is its name and it is a cultural, industrial and scientific center. We have concentrated on the sphere of education as we think that it influences future greatly. What our future is going to be depends much more on who by and what your kids are being taught now than what model of a car you have.
2. Summary of Our Project
Four years ago our Education Complex was named after A.P. Kiselyov for the achievements in teaching mathematics to students. Since then we have been doing our best to learn about the life of this great man and make it known to other people. E.g. every year Kiselyov conference dedicated to the studies of his textbooks and works in methodology is held at our school with great success. In our school there is a museum where you can read his books, look at the photos from his family album. We feel as if he were one of us – our teacher, the leader of Kiselyov Followers Fellowship. No wonder the students of the complex wish to show their attitude to his outstanding personality with the help of their works. We have caught at the oppotunity of participating in CyberFair project to send our peers the following message: you should choose your future career carefully and be dedicated to your choice. Remember the proverb: Every person is the smith of his/her happiness influencing the life and achievements of people near him/her as well. The more his/her personal success is the greater impact on the development of society he/she has as Kiselyov's work had. The creators of Soviet breakthrough into space were taught math to with the help of the text books and methods developed by A.P. Kiselyov.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Time pressure was the most urgent of our problems. All of us think that we just had a little time to do this project from the beginning because we learned about the possibility to take part in the project only a month ago. In order to overcome the 'time pressure' problem, we have to make good use of every moment and arrange the procedure of work. We did our research continuously and we have learned lots from the research process concerning distributing tasks, arranging our time, cooperating. One of our greatest challenges in working on this project was learning how to work as a team. We overcame these obstacles with teamwork and combining all our knowledge of computers to help each other. Difficulties on designing the web pages were not so pressing. Sometimes we have problems on how to design the web pages. However, these problems were solved after we discussed them. The most serious problem was FTP failure the evening we were going to hang our site and we had to be very inventive to solve the problem.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Our goal is to convince our community (and hopefully the world) that inspiring and uniting helps make this world a better place. The project has allowed our students to see that hard work , and dedication can inspire people changing their life. Working together on a common goal, with everyone contributing to their best ability and at the end creating a website that can be shared by millions makes a terrific ” hand-out” argument in favor of inspiring and uniting. After this activity, the students’ skills to use computer have improved. We have some reflections after this activity: We should make good use of our time if we have lots of things to do. We should complete the things step by step. We can't do things without planning in advance. If we do things without playnning, then we'll fail easily, or it'll cost much more time to finish the job.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
We used - 6 IBM compatible PC; - video and digital still cameras as well as Olympus digital still camera; - digitizers and scanners Mustek 1200 CP; - computer software Microsoft Office, ACDSee, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Graphics Suite; - Voronezh State University Library, School Library; - books: 1. A.P. Kiselyov “Geometriya. Stereometriya”. St. Petersburg: “Specialnaya Literatura”, 1999. 2. A.P. Kiselyov “Sistematicheskii Kurs Arifmetiki” Oryol: “Orlovskii Gosudarstvennii Universitet”, 2002 3. F.S. Avdeev, T. K. Avdeeva “Andrey Petrovich Kiselyov”. Oryol: “Izdatelstvo Orlovskoi Gosudarstvennoi Teleradioveshtelnoi Kompanii”, 2002 - the School museum of A. P. Kiselyov; - oral interviews Bityutskaya, Larisa. Personal interview. January 17, 2006.