1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
When doing this project, we used various tools and technology equipment. These were: 1. Photo Vista- make the setting 2. Modeling clay- make the characters and computer 3. A digital camera (camera mode)- taking the pictures for our animation 4. Adobe Photoshop- to make more slides such as the beginning, end, and some websites that we visited. 5. Adobe Image Ready- to put the animation together 6. A digital camera (video mode)- to record our voices 7. Adobe Premier- to put the audio and animation together, making this our finished product 8. Macromedia Fireworks- to make our CKMS EAST Class Claymation website 9. Telephone and e-mail- to contact Mrs. Mizuo and Mrs. Matsuoka to find out when the fifth grade orientations are
These tools and technology helped us get this project done. Without any of these, I would not know what else to use. I think that these tools and technology were easy to use and fun to work with.
We got most of our tools and technology by Mrs. Aiwohi, our facilitator. She allowed us to borrow her camera, clay, and computers to work on this project. She properly taught us how to use these equipments.
Adobe Image Ready has been very helpful to our project. This program put together our main part of our project, our animation. In addition, the clay has been helpful too. Without the clay, we would not have a Claymation animation. Overall, I think that all of these programs and equipment been helpful in their own way.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
In all of our CKMS EAST classes, we all have acted like ambassadors. In each of our projects, we contacted somebody for information. In our case, we called our registrar, Mrs. Mizuo and e-mailed our last principal, Mrs. Matsuoka. We asked both of them when the fifth grade orientations were. They both did not respond right away, but later did. We did not have to contact many people, but when we go out to promote this project to the upcoming sixth graders who will be attending CKMS, we will actually talk to about 50-70 students at once.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Our project will make a difference in the community. This will help troubled fifth graders who want a class that deals with technology. This little animation will show them that this class is not only a class that deals with technology, but is a class that deals with technology to solve real-world problems. This animation will also be good for students who want to be more confident in talking in front of people, learn more self-directed learning, teamwork, collaboration, and growth in them.
Throughout our website, I think that people will learn about CKMS EAST. This website will tell parents and students what the expatiations are in this class and what we do here. I think that fifth graders will want to join this class, because I think that our animation gives some information about this class and I think that it is fun to watch clay animations.
We did not have this website up for long, so we do not have any feedback from other people. I think that this will help give parents an idea on what their child has signed up, for their elective. We also put the CKMS EAST website on our site, so that parents know what is happening and what fundraisers are going on. I think that our website will help alot of people.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
In our project, we did not get much information from people. All we got from was our registrar, Mrs. Mizuo and our last principal, Mrs. Matsuoka. We asked them when the fifth grade orientations were. When we finished our project, we will share it to the upcoming sixth graders who will attend Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School. I think that there will be at least 50-70 students at each school. This will be many students, but will get the message across them.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We did learn that it is important to work as a team. Without team members, the work doubles and will have no one to rely on to help get a project finished. At first, I do not think that we worked together that well. Now after a while on working on this project, I think teamwork has grown a lot.
We learned how to manage time better. We had to break down our times and had to make sure that we had enough time to do it. At most times, we met our deadlines, and other times were about a day late. Not only do we manage our time here, but also we do manage time in other classes. When we have lots of homework, we would have to manage time to finish them on time and completed.
This class has taught us many things besides technology and I think that this is important in everyday life.