CyberFair Project ID: 1308

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Atlanta's Local Leaders
Category: 1. Local Leaders
Bibliography: No bibliography page cited

School: Taylor Road Middle School
    Alpharetta, Georgia, United States

70 students, ages from 13 to 14 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 15, 2001. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 1997, 19998, 1999, 2001

Classes and Teachers: Nancy Keber

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

We entered our website in the following category: Local Leaders #Description of

2. Summary of Our Project

Summary of Our Project: Rather than just read about our local leaders, we decided to find out first hand what makes a leader. Students discussed the characteristics of leaders, both famous and infamous and decided what qualities a good leader should have. Besides integrity, honesty, intellegence, and a willingness to lead, students decided that a good leader must also possess humor, a very important trait , since one must be able to laugh at one's own mistakes so that he/she may find humility and gain an understanding of others. Students then made a list of people in our local community that they felt were representative of those most sought after traits and made appointments to interview those leaders. It was through this process that we soon realized that we had many leaders within our own school as well as our own class. Stundents discovered something important, you didn't have to be famous, or an

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

Problems We Had To Overcome: Most students already knew from their exploratory classes from Joyce Hallman and Jill Tucker how to create webpages. Because of time restraints, many students chose to work on part of their projects from home. This created quite a problem at times when they had to learn how to configure different operating systems! We also had the problem of glitches in the county line and upgrading our internal local area network at a time when we were scheduled to go into computer labs to work on the Cyberfair project. The time we had to work on projects dwindled away as scheduling for the lab time became a major headache!

5. Our Project Sound Bite

Our Sound Bite: Atlanta, constantly reinventing itself through the support of it's local leaders.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

Eighth grade Social Studies students study Georgia history and civics. This project fits in well with the state objectives. We discovered that research can be fun! Going to sites and coming back and reporting on what we had learned was just the beginning. We also learned to use the Internet, and oral interviews as our resources.

We met technology goals of the school by creating and publishing web pages. The huge amount of research and traveling we have done has been very exciting. We are proud to be able to provide a resource that others will be able to use in their studies. We really feel that we came to know our local leaders, not just read about them. By creating this web site we feel we have become 'mini experts' on leadership and what our communiies needs are. By learning how to create webpages we developed new presentation skills that are necessary in the electronic medium of our world.

Lastly, we met one of our school improvement goals to encourage community involvement with our school. Our parents became involved in our education as they drove us to various places. They also met and talked with community leaders with us! Many community members offered information to help us complete our project as well.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

We used a variety of information tools and technologies to produce our CyberFair '01 project. We used cameras, scanning equipment, digital cameras and various computers to produce our web pages.

We gathered information by: 1.visiting the community leaders and organizations with our parents 2.telephoning and emailing people to get information about places and/or people 3.using the Internet to locate information about volunteer organizations 4.using guides produced by some of the local volunteer organizations 5.interviewing people associated with a non-profit organization 6.using library books and the Yellow Pages/phone books in our area.

Software we used: 1.Windows 95, Windows 98 and at school MacOS 2.Netscape Navigator (various versions) and Netscape Editor 3.Epson Scanning Software 4.Graphic Converter 5.Web Painter 6.Photoshop 7.GIF Builder

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

As students with their parents visited volunteer organizations, participated in serving the community and interviewed local leaders, more and more people became interested in our project and our growing knowledge of technology and community involvement. Many of the people interviewed and places that were visited requested to be listed on our site. Students volunteered their time at soup kitchens, helped in tutoring programs, visited the elderly and taught them various arts and craft projects. Some students offered their services to local families who's loved ones were stricken with Alzheimers disease and needed a break to go to the grocery store or get medication, and needed someone to watch them. Parents got involved by signing up to help the Parent-Teacher Organization at our school. Some parents worked alongside their students at nursery schools or building homes for former Pres. Jimmy Carter's project, Habitat for Humanity. Other people in the community got involved through our students interest in helping others. While designing their webpages, and during the process of interviewing, visiters to our school became interested in helping our Green School club that is working with local officials to save a major tributary area nearby, known as ARCH (Active Riparian Commensal Habitat). Students contacted local newspapers, radio stations, magazines and televisions stations to make them aware of the International CyberFair Project and to promote our web site. Our parents and community members who assisted us in our project will be invited to a CyberFair reception in which we will share our project and our contest outcome. We have also invited the Governor of Georgia, our principal and assistant principals as well as local newspapers and television stations to be a part of our reception on May 2001.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

The project was sucessful because it not only made students aware of the needs in their community but the avenues in which they could respond to those needs. Many students became more involved in performing community service work such as Project Elbow Grease which is a student group committed to helping others. Habitat for Humanity; a building project to help those who could not necessarily afford a home on their own. Students were too young to actually help build homes, so they instead rallied other people in their area to get involved by handing out fliers about how to volunteer, and putting this information on their webpage.

Students who designed this webpage instilled a sense of community within their school by supporting a canned food drive in November to help the local food pantry stock their shelves for those in need. Students took it a step further by volunteering to hand out food at the shelter during the holidays at a time that is traditionally very busy for them. Other students have pledged to work for local organizations during the summer. To date, our students have logged in over 2, 400 hours of community service.

Students learned of many ways they and their families could share in helping in the community and at the same time build close family ties. Many students got their families involved through the volunteers they met and interviewed. The experience, they found, is an enriching one that Community members became actively involved as students began to spread the word that they had designed a webpage that others could access either to get help or to volunteer. Local suburbs added a link to this site for interested parties to use.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Students would like to thank the many individuals who helped them make this a successful learning experience. Among these are the many volunteers who support our community through their commitment and work to help know who you are and some of you are mentioned on this website! You instill in us a sense of community through your ability to share your talents and unite our community toward one goal.

Students would also like to thank the several people who helped make this webpage possible through their technical expertise (and sense of humor which saved us all!) They are: Jill Tucker (our webmaster), Nancy Keber (our teacher)and Joyce Hallman (resident webpage expert).

Last but not least, our families who support us through thick and thin. They drive us everywhere we need to go, and show us undue patience during the maddening rush to finish our projects. They are a HUGE help and we could not accomplish much without them. THANK YOU!


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