1. Description of Our Community
Xin Yi Planned District is the only large- scale overall development zone in Taipei that was planned in a short period of time, with Taipei 101 building as the focal point. Access routes to the Xin Yi District include pedestrian walks, cycling routes, major roads for vehicles and motorcycles, The MRT Nankan Line, the MRT Xin Yi Line, public car parks, bus lines, and other commuting facilities still under construction. In addition, nearby parks and distant surrounding mountains attract tourists and people. Xin Yi District is now the most suitable area for business and residential purposes.
2. Summary of Our Project
The theme of the website is based on the Taipei 101 Finance Center. 1.The major purpose of this project is to learn the planning, operations and management of organizations and how to cooperation and growth of an enterprise are established and cultivated. All these details will be recorded into the website of the project. 2. The newly constructed Taipei 101 Office Center will attract large companies that will move into the commercial office center and bring in many commercial activities into the Xin Yi District.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
The network used is ADSL. As we are night school students, we make use of afternoons and time after school to design our web pages. Fortunately each team member is able to surf the Internet at home, we could make use of personal computers at home to collect data and discuss important web page information with each other in the comfort of our bedrooms. We also email the administration Taipei 101 to inquire about some important issues in the course of designing our web pages. We also visited the public relations officer of Taipei 101 for consultation. The communication and exchange of information over the Internet is now extremely convenient for modern people!
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
1.How to sort the articles. We negotiated during discussions to resolve issues. In other words, we collected the proposals from each member and re-arranged, sorted out and placed the suitable articles into their proper places.
2.The naming of the items in the menu was also finalized by making use of familiar idioms, and homonyms to enhance interest and creativity.
3.Computers tend to frequently. This is probably due to the fact that information inside a Mac Computer is too messy and could result in unpredictable failures that result in recording difficulty. We spent too much time repeating the recordings.
4.The procedure of obtaining information from Taipei 101 was very tedious. It was very hard to get in touch with people from the public relationship department. However, we finally managed to secure the data we needed.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
To giving a complete image of taipei 101 to the people never have the chance to come to taiwan world wide.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The study in the Research Project of the Internet Expo Activities was helpful in learning the communication of interpersonal relationship and the efficiency in handling works. We also come to learn that people within the organization should tolerate each other and become understanding. There might be many ways in cooperating mutually people eventually still should make use of experience to strength themselves. In terms of management, each individual is a very important role of the company and every one should trust each other and not suspicious of each other. In this way, the company could improve day by day.