1. Description of Our Community
Antique is as rich in history and legend as it is beautiful in white beaches and majestic peaks. History reveals that in the 13th century, ten Bornean datus and their followers landed in Panay, a place called Malandog, Hamtic. They found the place inhabited by Negritos under the rule of Marikudo, from whom the Borneans under Sumakwel purchased the island or one gold sadok and one gold necklace. Later, the island was divided into three “sakops”: Hamtic, became Antique; Aklan became Capiz; Irong-irong became Iloilo. Hamtic was placed under the rule of Datu Sumakwel who found the place known as Malandog, the first Malay settlement in the Philippines.
Modern and advanced technologies are growing in the province, along with a number of banks and flourishing business and commercial establishments, especially in San Jose. Transportation is not a problem when going to the province. Tricycles are common in towns, with jeepneys, air-conditioned vans and big buses plying the route between towns and neighboring provinces. In terms of communication, the number of growing cell sites and telephone companies show that it is not a problem, and the availability of Internet service also shows that Antique is coping up with the new changes.
Despite the fact that Antique is developing, along with various changes that occur, the Antiqueños preserve the landmarks of its culture for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.
2. Summary of Our Project
Paratandaan is a showcase of the province’s landmarks that have stood against the test of time. These historical markers are often neglected, and some people are even unaware of the purpose they serve in reminding us of our past. It is because of this that the project was done. The researchers aim to share the illustrious history of our province, not only to the estranged Antiqueños, but to the rest of the world too.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dial-up modem
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:1
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Now that our school has 52 computer units, with 10 having Internet connection, both the Special Science Class (SP) and the regular class students take Computer Education as their elective subject and enjoy free Internet access. Activities in relation to the Cyberfair Competition were mostly done at school.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Time was our biggest adversary in this project. With all the school activities held in the same month as our project's deadline. We the researchers barely had enough time to work. They go back to school even during weekends just to finish the project. Also, we had trouble acquiring the information we needed because the data given to us were obsolete, and we had to go on location ourselves. There were also technical problems we encountered that were beyond our control, like server errors and frequent power interruptions. Since we belong to the Special Science Class there are a lot of demands to out time. Our class schedule is quite hectic. Aside from this, the many actitivities that we join in school also take up much of our time. Thus, the only chance we could do the project was during our free time and after class hours.
We also encountered problems with the pictures that we used. Some pictures were blurred, some were misplaced. Some were even accidentally erased in the computers files. Yet despite all the obstacles we had to hurdle, we managed to finish in time. Cooperation and teamwork were vital in this task, not to mention patience. We also thank our teachers for their consideration and our classmates-turned-typists for their willingness to help us.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
“It may be history, but it’s our history.”
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The activity for this Cyberfair project was an application of the things we learned in our research, computer education, and in journalism. The knowledge learned through the Internet, photo editing, web designing are the new skills we acquired in the duration of the activities for this Cyberfair project.
The different activities we have performed helped strengthen our self-esteem. We also gained valuable lessons in interpersonal relationships both inside and outside the classroom, lessons that were very helpful to us during the times when we were searching for the information to be placed in the web page.
These lessons helped us muster the confidence and the courage to ask and interview officials in the tourism office, the Historical Council, and other resource persons about the topic. The Internet has helped us to be efficient in the use of the Web. It taught us a lot of things and gave us access to the information superhighway.
The project has provided the school community and the students with the motivation and sense of awareness. We are filled with a yearning to know and discover the historical wealth of our beloved province Antique.
We were intent in letting the people know about the beauty of Antique. We felt like it was our responsibility to teach what we have learned. 'We learned to love our past, in all of its beauty and splendor.'