CyberFair Project ID: 4887

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International Schools CyberFair Project Narrative
Title: Antakiya ancient city
Category: 6. Historical Landmarks

School: School
    Hodjeyli, Karakalpakstan region, Uzbekistan

6 students, ages 14-16 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 13, 2007. They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2007

Classes and Teachers: Dilfuza Avezjanova and 9th a class

E-Mail contact:

Our School's Web Site:

Project Overview

1. Description of Our Community

The our community includes the people of different nations and religions which live here more than 100 years. The tradition, culture of every nation influence among themselves and mutually supplement each other. The historical places and monuments also can tell us about the ancient time of our region, legends and traditions. So we made researches and took the interviews from the people not only in our town but at the near by city too. our project is devoted to the historical place which influed on the development of culture and tradition in our region.The history never ends because today is going to be a history tomorrow. History made of the passed days. And we learn the passed days of our ancestry. There live about 1600 nations in the world. Each nations has about 100 reservations, each reservation has its own historic traditions, epoch, customs and stories. Every citizen of his country must know its history.

2. Summary of Our Project

This project tells about one of the landmarks which situated near by out town (Hodjeyli). The few centuries ago the territory of Hodjeyli town was part of the Antakiya city. After disappearance of Antakiya city there were monuments - constructions, dwellings, structures which can say many interesting things and stories as truly so far-fetched (legends). For example from the history books our students know about the Egyptian pyramids but don’t it about native history of their edge. By this project we are tried to show all that the history is interesting thing. And every city or region have beautiful landscape and landmarks. The researches of historical monuments and landmarks help students to learn the roots, an origin of customs and traditions of native edge. During this project we are find out interesting books about local history, newspapers with articles of the academicians and professors, ordinary peoples. The employee of the historical museum has told in the interview about legends connected with a place of our researches. Also we took interviews from the our coevals from the Nukus city which have visited the territory of Antakiya- Mizdakhan, Gavr, Nazlimhon Suluv and Erejep Halif. They are told about their impressions and feeling with these places.

3. Our Computer and Internet Access

A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20

B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6

C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection

D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3

E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):

Our school connected to the internet via radio. So we have different speed during the all day.

4. Problems We Had To Overcome

The majority of the meets problems were technical. Such as a low speed or absence of the internet. it is not always were possible to lead interview personally as by virtue of busy of people. So it was moved appointment on the other date and place.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

It is good opportunity as for teacher so for student to participate at the educational project CF with other schools. We have chance to exchange with information about our researches and learn how is was from the other participants. Also this project help to students more wide study local history and practice English.

6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

As we have history circle and engaged students we haven’t problems with coursework and curriculum requirements. During the local history lessons we have learned the basic information which developed at the additional lessons of history circle. The Cyber Fair project and the Historical landmarks perfect suits for us. We are participated a first time at the international project. So we learned many skills. For example we organized our activity due our time table, distributed the activity in project, made web site, took interviews. Every team member fulfilled own duties and helped other by the situation. The students fin out that the researches of landmark is very Fascinatingly and cognitively. It make feels like Kolumb when he discovered unknown lands. The all peoples that we met during this project always helped us. It is mean that education can be outside the schools. It needs the only aim. The internet resources helped us. I don’t think that it was more effective than the traditional method. But it was supplement source of the gathered information.

Project Elements

1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?

We are used the 3-4 computers of our internet class. They are P4 celeron 1.7 GHz compaq. Also we used phone to take appointments with guests. The all pictures we taked with the camera with color film and scanner for entering the pictures to the PC. From the libraries we are visited 3: schools, at Hodjeyli and Nukus cities. We gathered information from books and newspapers at the libraries. At the museum we took one interview. Also we of course used the software Adobe Photoshop cs- editing the pictures, Php expert editor – creating the web pages, translator Promt family 6.0- translating unknown words, Denwer (php+apache local server) for testing web pages. The all tools were donated by school and helped us teacher of the computer science. Well the most valueable tool is camera it help to take a picture of the moment and reflect the station of the things and the mood of peoples. But the most tool that helped us is computer. It is really make work easier and interesting.

2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.

Our student of course were ambassadors as they represented school outside. Students by the phone maked appointments and informed about latest news of the current project guests. After oral interview with students of the gymnasium No1 of the Nukus city we are changed with pictures by email. Also the watchman was wondered when we told about our school and internet class. The most amazed thing him was that we are the members of the international project over the world. Cause when he was a student there wasn’t such like events.

3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?

The most amazed thing us that the all people friendly met us and answered our questions. The representatives of local community were glad that the their neighbours, sons and daughters really interesting in local history. The mom of the our classmate was wondered that her son maked educational web site with other classmates. As before he most time played counter strike on computer. And now she sure that the computer skills can be useful for her son. The dr. Oktyabr Dospanov said us that his children also like history and surf internet at home. And wished us success and keep so on by the way of knowledge.

4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

Well the information that we are gathered make involve many peoples. For example our team of students. After we know the new information we are tried to tell it to everyone. The first was a teacher of computer science as we always used the internet and computers. His name is Gabit Pirjanov. He helped us to work with software. Also there is Aleksey Kim the IT specialist of UNDP in Nukus city. He always time helped as with advice on web design and translation texts via internet. Our teacher of history Dilfuza Avezjanova helped us to organize our work and make appointments. There are so much people from our community which shared with us information. We’d like to say all of them “thanx so much!”

5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

Hmmm I think this begins some years ago when our teacher history asked – What do you know about local monuments and history? From the all our class the only one girl answered this question. Most of us felt confusion. I was wondered I have grandmom and granddad too. why I don’t know as girl from my class?! Maybe I didn’t paid attention to their stories?! Probably. But it looks like that. I thankful to my history teacher. During this project our team come more closely and took skill of teamwork. We were amazed that there were no end to the information. It was so much interesting monuments and information around us. And it were so closely. I don’t understand how we didn’t see it before.


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