1. Description of Our Team
All members of the team are in fourth year grade at Agusan Del Sur National High School in San Francisco, Philippines. Apryll is fifth teen (15) and is involved in a wide range of sports including Badminton and Basketball. She also dances and is in school choirs and bands as vocalist. In her spare time she likes to play piano, guitar and hang out with friends or just have fun! Apryll decided to participate in Doors to Diplomacy because she thought it would be a great way to improve her computer understanding, build up team co-operation skills and learn about becoming a good leader. Apryll is our web page designer and is the one responsible for the over-all page make-up of our site. Angelie is sixteen (16)and enjoys academic pursuits more than sports. Sometimes during her spare time, she also plays badminton. She enjoys music a lot! In fact she is in school choirs and bands and a primary singing contender in our class. In her spare time she likes to read, to surf the net, and to talk with friends. Angelie decided to participate in Doors to Diplomacy because she thought it would be a great way to learn more about the world, technology and leadership skills as well as a great challenge. In our team, Angelie is the researcher, article evaluator and topic explorer together with this fifteen year-old (15) Nadine, our youngest member. Nadine enjoys juvenile sports such as basketball, shot put, badminton and volleyball. She also enjoys music and is currently busy practicing playing the guitar. Nadine decided to participate in Doors to Diplomacy because she thought it would be a great opportunity to learn new skills including team work, technology and leadership skills. Joyce, sixteen (16), is the writer of our team. She enjoys just anything she can do (well, just nothing in particular). She participates in some activities at school and those activities well associated with friends. She decided to participate in the Doors to Diplomacy Poject since she wanted to explore, learn and contibute some baseline information about the word 'LEADERSHIP'. The teams’ computer teacher, Mr. Voltaire Y. Ponce have introduced them to the Doors to Diplomacy competition and agreed to do it for our teams' own betterment on understanding its concept, perception, and most especially to have a better understanding about the word 'teamwork', 'cooperation' and 'involvement'. Doing the competition has introduced new skills, especially in the field of technology.
2. Summary of Our Project
The ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of an organizations of which they are members is what we call “LEADERSHIP' A fighter who is quickly becoming an action fan’s favorite is Manny Pacquiao. He has power and does possess a respectable amount of technical skill. This site, “The Destroyer: From Rags to Riches” focuses on the life of Manny Pacquiao, from his simple life of selling breads and ice cream to earning millions of dollars. Our main objective is for Manny Pacquiao as by example proved to the world that poverty is not a hindrance in becoming a champion in your own target field. Thus, he becomes a leader in presenting this type of performance to everyone most especially to the youth. This aims to teach them the chemical constituent of fighting and leadership. That it’s not all about the salary, the money or the fame it can give but, it’s all about the happiness, the reality, and the chance of expressing oneself and knowing to be on yourself - which is, the primary key on leading and helping other people. In our website, we aim to create a brief but vivid pictorial biography of the life of Manny “PACMAN” Pacquiao. We have provided authentic pictures, intact with short descriptions of his historical background. Through this informal presentation of his childhood, his studies, and his achievements, we analyze a lot of events in his life that may or may not have influenced his future, the people, the country or even the whole world. We also discuss the skills, traits, and characteristics he demonstrated which made him a good leader and fighter.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:less than 20
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
While the team was on the road of compelling the project, there were lots of problems they had to overcome. It was tough and challenging but, it made them tougher! The main problem was the computer usage (time). In our school, every section is alowed to use the computer laboratory for only an hour a day. Since the school has twenty sections using the laboatory per day, it is really a problem for us to accomplish and use the laboratory for making our project. In God's grace and through the loving effort and consideration of our coach, we were given the chance to use the laboratory during weekends for 3-5 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.
Second problem was the schedule. The members of the team had a busy schedule. They had a limited time to do the project. Apryll was busy on her training for regional and national athletic competitions for Badmenton, Angelie and Nadine were also busy on the training for the cheerleading competitions. Joyce were often left to do the job.
In order to finish the study Joyce, together with the coach of the team doubled the effort and the team decided to have a cooperative work during weekends where they were allowed to use the computer laboratory of their school. It was during Saturdays when members of the team were cooperatively working together.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The fact that when a person will do his best and strives harder for the best (as what Pacquiao did) will lead him to the top is an inspiring and challenging key for all of us most specially to the youth who are our next generation Leaders. . .
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The Doors to Diplomacy Contest made us aware of the standards required for the effective leadership. As far as Philippine history entails, leadership has played a substantial role in recent national and international news. Applying our knowledge, we learned the importance concerning the failure of different leaders which leads to greater faiure on the achievement of an organization or even a nation on which they belong. Research from different information tools helped us to better understand the gradual evolution of global leadership. The Philippines is a world leader. . . soon, if Filipinos learn to acknowledge thier own potentials as of Manny Pacquiao, which is, in essence, what our project attempts to express.