1. Description of Our Community
Cannelton is a small and very historical town located on the banks of the Ohio River in southern Indiana, USA. It has a rich heritage which dates back to 1837 with the founding of the American Cannel Coal Company. It now has about 2000 residents, many of whom have lived here all of their lives. Cannelton has seen many hardships and many triumphs throughout the years and it is still going strong. Cannelton residents want to keep our town alive and prosperous, as well as preserve its heritage.
2. Summary of Our Project
We feel that our elders, who love and care for us, have a lot to teach us as well. Our project is a study of the past of Cannelton, using the stories of those who lived it. We have interviewed our parents and grandparents, as well as other longtime residents, about what life was like in Cannelton when they were young. We learned from each other and from our elders about things like the Great Depression and World War II, along with what kinds of games our grandparents liked to play when they were children. We also learned about what it was like at our school and more! We wish to share the history of our town as told by those who lived it. Come join us on a journey back in time.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:4-6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
At our school we have a T1 line to the Internet.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
This project was a labor of love for all the students involved along with the grandparents, parents, and others interviewed. Some of the problems we had to overcome included: We needed to learn how to conduct good interviews. We invited Ms. Erin Roth, from the Indiana Traditional Arts Council, into our school to show us how to conduct interviews. She told us about using a good microphone and to watch out for background noise, along with having our questions ready ahead of time to give to the people so they could prepare their answers before the interview. Who to interview was another problem. We invited all of our parents and grandparents who lived in Cannelton when they were younger to come in. We also had an Echoes of Cannelton Day at school...and conducted a forum so that anyone who wanted to come in and tell a story about Cannelton history could. That was fun! Time was another problem. We needed lots of time to transcribe the many interviews that we had in order to place them on the website. We stayed after school many, many days in order to do this. Several students who had computers at home also took the tapes home to transcribe. A couple of interviews were even conducted in the homes of the interviewed because they were unable to come to our school during the day.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Our Cyberfair 2002 project,Echoes of Cannelton, was a great experience for all involved because, while working on this project, we realized that when we study the past and present, we are learning for the future.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Echoes of Cannelton is about our community's history. Indiana Social Studies standards for grades 3-4 are a study of Indiana history and of community(Standard 1, 2, 5). Language Arts standards are also addressed including vocabulary and concept development (Standard 1), reading comprehension (Standard 2), writing for meaning and clarity (Standard 3),and the transcribing made editing for mistakes a must (Standard 4 and 6). Along with this, our students presented this project in front of many audiences, including our school board and community members, as well as judges at the district Media Fair. This gave them a chance to work on Language Arts Standard 7 on speaking skills - oral presentations. The students learned how to work as a team, as well as collaborating and communicating with other people from the community. The students had to learn more about using educational technology tools, such as the keyboard, and how to use programs like Microsoft Windows and Works.