1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
The most important tool used in the making of this project is the personal interview with local town folks who were more than willing to share their stories about their barangay. It was like a bonding process between young students and older and wiser San Pableños, while they share the rich history of their home town.
Also helpful were the technological tools like the digital camera, lent by MSC Net (a sister company of MSC High) which made it easier to save pictures in the computers, the computers of the laboratory and the html, Adobe Photoshop, and Pagemaker software, which were used to design the web page.
Some stories were gathered from the local city government, library, and local historian, Mr. Sonny Alcantara.
Also, the school's service vehicle made travelling from one place to another during the interviews more convenient for the researchers.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
During the personal interviews, people were asking from what school the students were from, and how are they going to use the information. When the students explained the reason, it made them more willing to tell everything they knew. Among their peers outside of class, and even with their families, the students were more open to discussions about their project and the information they gathered.
In the process of collecting stories, they had to ask almost everyone if they knew about local history and they always have to come up with an explanation of the project itself. A few even had to email relatives and friends who used to live in San Pablo to ask for stories even if they now stay abroad.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Barely 6 years old, MSC High School is a very young school. But at this age, it has made itself noticeable in the province due to its various projects for the community, besides the academic activities. When Dengue fever inflicted many San Pablo children, MSC High students conducted an information campaign, where the students themselves gave seminars to educate public elementary school pupils about Dengue and how to avoid it.
There was also the distribution of iodized salt to poor communities who need iodine supplement, and of course the annual gift packages given to the Bahay Nazareth, the Home for the Aged in San Pablo City, and to indigent families during Christmas.
This project however will not make an impact to the needy alone, but also to those who have access to the Internet. Those San Pableños now staying abroad and who have lost contact will now have something to look back at. They will be re-educated about their hometown and probably rekindle their sense of loyalty and love for home.
Perfect timing is the word for the release of this project because February, 2002 was proclaimed as
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Aside from each student of the team who worked on this project, other people who helped are: their Social Studies teachers (Mr. Francis Dionglay & Mrs. Lerma Prudente) who guided them in their research; their English teacher (Mrs. Herminia De Gala) who edited their write ups; their Computer subject teachers (Ms. Joy Ann Morales, Brian Santos, & Garry Angelo D. Ilagan) who assisted in the development of the web page.
Acknowledgment is also due to all the people interviewed and the people of San Pablo for their stories. Special mention is due to Ms. Cresencia De Luna and Mr. Sonny Alcantara for the compilation of stories and historical facts they lent the students.
MSC Communications Technologies, Inc. (MSC Net), our Internet Service Provider also deserves our thanks for hosting our web sites, and for their full support.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We discovered and learned many things from this project. We became more aware of our community and we know more about its rich heritage, making us love San Pablo even more.
The students gained a lot of wisdom from their interviews with old San Pablo natives and they are now more willing to share what they have learned about their city. We have also discovered a new use for the Internet: to let everyone in the world know that there is a city with seven lakes and that is our San Pablo City.