1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
A vast collection of informational tools and technologies were used to complete this project including personal interviews, telephone conversations, the Internet, digital cameras, scanners, computers, and a variety of software programs.
We utilized the telephone to contact community members and set up appointments to visit and interview them at their convenience Students learned how to create meaningful and relevant interview questions and incorporate the information into their writing.. To accomplish this task, students used Microsoft Word, Microsoft FrontPage, digital cameras, Adobe Photoshop, e-mail, scanners, and the Internet.
In Quark Xpress, a brochure was also developed to promote the CyberFair 2001 Project. This was then distributed to the Paterson Board of Education, to each school in the district, and to the local community. For our global community, the project is published on the World Wide Web at: http://www.paterson.k12.nj.us./~pace1
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
The Silk City 2000 Academy students worked together to decide what category would be most beneficial for the CyberFair 2001 Project. They came to the conclusion that the people of Paterson would be a wonderful way of learning about the individuals who made an impact on the Paterson community.
They researched and interviewed various individuals in a vast array of positions in person, by telephone, fax, e-mail and on the Internet. By speaking with community members the “word got out” to many local citizens. The students also designed, developed, and distributed a brochure of the CybeFair 2001 Project to promote the project and a sense of pride in the community.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We received an abundance of positive feedback about our CyberFair 2000 Project last year. We promoted it in various ways including a virtual tour of the site at a Board of Education meeting. The students involved presented the project from a laptop linked to a projector to a large screen. It was a great success and the word spread. They are already eagerly awaiting this year’s project, which is sure to be a complete success. Many individuals have found it to inspire them and look at the city of Paterson in a whole new light. This year’s CyberFair 2001 Project will again develop an even deeper sense of pride in our community. Most importantly, it has given our students the encouragement to reach their potentials and become successful citizens from the city of Paterson.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
The students and teachers participating the CyberFair 2001 Project received help from many sources. We received ideas from other teachers in the Paterson Adult School and in our Silk City 2000 Academy. Students also volunteered information that was of assistance. Other community members and educators in the district were a valuable asset. Without their help, CyberFair 2001 would not have been a great success. A special thanks goes to Donald West, Kim Festa, and Kathleen Joyce who were instrumental in helping organize and upload our pages. We would like to thank everyone for their support!
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
There were many surprises, discoveries and lessons learned in this project. The vast number of people who made an impact on Paterson surprised students. They were amazed by some of the names that they knew were from Paterson. It startled them at first, but they learned some very valuable lessons throughout this project. Many students did not previously have the knowledge regarding the vast array of individuals who have come from and made an impact on Paterson. They now feel a deeper sense of being from the community. They learned precious lessons about how they can become contributing members of their community and what they can look forward to in the future.