1. Description of Our Community
The Greater Bath Area includes several towns on the coast of Southern Maine. The boat builders we interviewed live in the Greater Bath Area. These towns include - Georgetown, Arrowsic, Phippsburg, and Bath, Maine. These communities are located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and/or the Kennebec River. Pine trees, rocky shores, sea birds, lighthouses, and moose are typical sights in our area. There are many, many boat builders living and working in this area due to our close proximity to the ocean and the river. Thousands of tourists visit our community each year to enjoy boating, the sandy beaches, rocky coasts, hiking and biking trails, and natural beauty of our community.
2. Summary of Our Project
We worked with local boat builders to SHARE and UNITE our community with the world. We did this in several ways:
We created forms to use in setting up and conducting interviews with local boat builders. We invited them into our classroom to speak to us about their unique specialty. Pictures were scanned onto our CyberFair pages.
After all of the on site visits and interviews were completed, we wrote thank you notes and letters to the people we interviewed. In the letters we asked them if they felt that this project helped to share and unite the school with the community. You may read their responses on our web pages.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:none
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Georgetown Central School has access to the Internet via the University of Maine in Orono. We host our own website and mail server. Our network consists of 40 Macintosh computers connected to a central file server and to the Internet via a T-1 line. Students in Grades 2-6 use the Internet in their classrooms and in the computer lab to research and find information.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We had no problems. The entire process and project has been very educational and rewarding.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We feel so fortunate to be a part of such a fine community. We have met new and exciting friends because of this project. Together we have been able to "Share and Unite" the local boat builders of our community to our school and to the world!
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our involvement in CyberFair '01 fit quite well into our required school curriculum guidelines and state standards for learning (Maine Learning Results). This project covered learning requirements for computer technology, research skills, the writing process, social studies, the arts, language arts, spelling and reading. This project not only met a school technology goal of using our presence on the Internet as a doorway to our community and world, but through it we also learned new technology skills. These included creating web pages, adding animation and graphics, and creating links. We also discovered which graphic elements, such as color and layout, make web pages attractive and easy to read. Students worked individually, as partners, and as a group on this project. Since all fourth grade students in the state of Maine are required to study the history, geography and the government of our state, this project met this curriculum goal extremely well. We now have a better understanding of how certain specialties develop depending on environment, available resources, and the needs of the local community and beyond. Specifically, we have a deeper understanding of how these ideas apply to boat building in our community.
There's a revolution taking place in education today. CyberFair has pointed the way to move forward by presenting a framework to show educators how to integrate modern technology with traditional education goals. We want to share this discovery with other educators so they too will see how efficiently goals can be met through this type of project.