1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We put the site together using a variety of resources. Whatever technology we had we feel we used it to the fullest. Telecommunications: students were introduced to the conventions of netiquette, e-mail, downloading/uploading of files (Netscape, Explorer). Internet Search Tools: students used the World Wide Web to find links and evaluate resources.
HTML students were introduced to web page design and construction. A simple HTML editor was used so that students could see the source file and change it appropriately. Many of them became quite expert in using HTML tags. We also learned some Java through online tutorials.
Graphics Utilities: students were introduced to Corel Photo Paint,GIF Construction Kit (animated gifs) and PhotoImpact for illustrating web pages and converting files.
Scanners and Digital camera: most of the photos on the website were taken by the students either using a digital camera or by scanning photos or drawings.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
"I Have a Dream" has been instrumental in connecting students world-wide who are concerned with making the world a better place. The project has not only made us ambassadors of peace but also all of the children around the world who have participated in project. As the mission of the web site states: "We are the future.Working together we can make a difference!Let's create a culture of peace and non-violence!" We are all ambassadors through the power of the Internet.
The project has become part of I*EARN and Canada's SchoolNet GrassRoots Program and is a commended project of The Cable and Wireless Childnet Awards 2001. The project has been promoted through Education World Online and through Microsoft Grassroots Project of the Month.
We will be making a CD of the website and distributing it to leaders across the world. Locally the project will be presented in April at the NortelNetworks Young Entrepreneurs Showcase. Our work has just begun as the next step is to expand our website to record the "good things" children around the world are doing to make a difference.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
One sentence can summarize the impact that this project had on the students and on our community both locally and internationally :
"We can make a difference!"
Besides allowing for the integration of information technology into the writing, research and publishing processes within the curriculum, the project gave students the opportunity to connect with other students world-wide who have the same concerns, the same dreams and the same hopes for the new millennium. Our website has become a vibrant center where children have voiced their hopes. Our next step is looking at ways how each of us in our local communities can promote this culture of peace through action and really create a better world.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Our project was an excellent example of the success of collaboration and team work. It is a true testimonial to the power of the Internet and the power of people.
The students and teachers around the world who participated in the project made this website possible.
The technical staff at our school board supported us by making sure the network was up and running and holding our hand when the technology wasn't cooperating and FTP just didn't function. Thank you for fixing all those "bugs" and making technolgy just a bit easier to manage.
Thank you to Ms. Naujokaitis, our teacher, for her enthusiasm, dedication and sense of humour. There were times when we thought the project won't be finished on time. Her invaluable support with HTML tags and other techie stuff saved us many times.
Thank you to Canada's SchoolNet team for providing moral support and to their GrassRoots team for having confidence in our ability to undertake such a task.
Thank you to all the Internet community especially the folks at Mindworks Alchemy, Netscape who helped by providing excellent documentation for gif graphics construction and html issues.
A hugh thank you to all the folks that helped us with Java script and allowed us to "cut and paste" code to make our site more enjoyable:
to Eric Harshbarger whose applets were easy to use and made our Interactive activities really move!