1. Description of Our Community
Changhua Confucius Temple locates Changhua City where is contained within our school area. However, most citizens only know there is a Confucius Temple but don’t know it were listed as a national historical interest of the first grade. The purpose of this project is to make people know more about Confucius Temple and feel more the wonder and the beauty of the historical landmark.
2. Summary of Our Project
“Changhua Confucius Temple” was the highest grade school in Changhua during the Ching Dynasty. Many excellent students were bred in this famous school. As the past of the time, it was repaired for many times. From the repaired steles of every era, we felt the efforts of the former virtuous persons who tried to protect the Confucius Temple all the time. Our methods of the research included “the tracks architectural history”, “the researches of the steles”, “the researches of the historical inscribed boards”, “the participation in the Ceremony of Sacrifice to Confucius”, and “providing the exposition service about Changhua Confucius Temple”. We really want to popularize the culture of the historical landmark.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
School Internet Environment: There is one computers classroom in our school. Forty computers were provided for all students to use. All computers were connected with each other, and it is convenient for us to have discussions, to search data, and to print papers in school. Teammates’ houses Internet Environments: Each teammate has his or her own computer, which was connected with ADSL. After school, we will use e-mail, Internet hard discs, USB hard discs, or the progress report provided by Taiwan Schools Cyberfair to continue doing the researches.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
Hard to collect the pictures and information: The documents about Changhua Confucius Temple are very rare. We needed to collect some information to confirm the existence of the period pieces. Especially for the steles researching, many words on the steles were blurred. Besides, we also needed the managers of the Confucius Temple, Mr. Lin and Mr. Shie, to provide the pictures about the ceremony for us. We all appreciate them very sincerely. Hard to make homepages: Our teammates didn’t have enough experiences and skills to make the homepages and the animation. We also thank for our school teachers Mr. Gau and Miss Tsai’s help. Hard to popularize the culture and other problems: During the working time, every teammate was worried that his or her homework and studying might be abandoned or stopped by these researching works. However, the teammates finally could keep their good grades at school. Besides, the teammates sometimes provided the exposition service for nobody for a long time. No one was willing to be served even the teammates invite the passersby. Sometimes the teammates would feel frustrated about that. However, the school teachers would like to provide other data for us, so we sometimes had the surprising results.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
We want to spread Chinese Culture around the world by introducing Changhua Confucius Temple.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
1. Our school located in the Ba Gua Mountains, which also belong to the national scenery areas of Three-mountains. This project is about the connections between of the natural scenery and the culture of the historical landmark. We applied the rich resources of the community to edit this project “The Pilgrimage of Changhua Confucius Temple”. By visiting the community and the service of the historical landmark live exposition, we knew more and deeply about the cultural sources and the art and wisdom of our ancestors. Especially for the service of the live exposition, we not only introduced the culture to our friends, our classmates and the tourists, but also shortened the distance between the inhabitants and the cultures of the historical landmark. From the beginning of the project, we recorded every brick, every tile, every sculpture and every painting of Changhua Confucius Temple and did our best to learn about the cultures of the traditional folklore. Joining the Ceremony of Sacrifice for Confucius made us feel the solemnity of the two-thousand-ago manners and the respect for Confucius’ contributions to Chinese education. Regular live exposition service could spread out the traditional cultures and teach people how to preserve our historical landmarks. Moreover, we could also train our expressional ability to share the project efforts with the tourists.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
2. During the process of editing the project, we used the digital electronic media very often, such as MD, DV, digital cameras and scanners, etc. Those tools helped us to record the valuable information to construct our homepage. By showing our successful project homepages, we want to send our passions for loving the folk culture to the whole world. Let the foreigners understand we kept the tradition of the Ceremony of Sacrifice for Confucius perfectly. And the most important of all, we will continue this tradition forever.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
3. “CyberFair” this word was ever an impossible dream to me, the computer idiot. By joining this project, I have the opportunity to delete the prejudice that only the computer talents could join “CyberFair”. Besides, I also knew more about my old neighbor “Changhua Confucius Temple” and further understood the importance and the urgency of preserving the historical landmarks. Looking back to these working days, I was busy for the CyberFair project with my classmates and teachers all the time. I remembered the first time when I held my notebook and urgently wrote down all the features of the Temple, or the first time to do the live exposition to strangers, or the first time to get up in the early morning for joining the Ceremony on time…etc. So many first times are really unforgettable for me. Although they sometimes made me so nervous, I indeed learned lots of the knowledge that I didn’t know before. After this activity, I may not have the opportunity to do the live exposition again, but I will come to the Confucius Temple to watch the each sights of it or to recall the everything that I learned at that time. I think, if someone wants to know more about Changhua Confucius Temple, I would be so proud to be the live expositor for him. Because that is my pleasure.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
4. Originally, I thought the function of Changhua Confucius Temple was just holding the Ceremony of Sacrifice for Confucius. After researching, I discovered that the paintings, the sculptures and the steles have their own meanings. For example, I found that a lying stele was just the school discipline. That was really amazing. Besides, learning how to do the service of the live exposition made me not only knows more about my hometown culture but feel more confident about this project, so I could be familiar with the tourists soon. I recalled that we were all strange to this Temple at that time before the project, but now we almost could be the experts on Changhua Confucius Temple.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
5. First, we want to thank the administers of Changhua Confucius Temple, Hsie Wu Shong and Lin Shi Chuen, for providing the information about the Temple and being the advisers of the live exposition service. They helped us complete this project successfully. We also want to thank the people who were satisfied with the service of the live exposition. You made us have more confidence to serve more tourists and foreigners. Besides, we want to thank the teacher, Huang Jay Ren, for his guidance about the exposition service; we thank the teachers, Gao Hong Bin and Tsai Xuan Yi, for completing the homepages of the project. Finally, without the teachers, Chen Jian Ming and Gao Chong Zer, we could not translate the native language Chinese in the project into the international language English, and could not share our achievements with the whole world. Of course, CyberFair, we all thank you, too.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 3937)