1. Description of Our Community
Post is a great little piece of the Texas Panhandle. It is located forty-five minutes away from the metropolitan Lubbock area and has a very interesting and historical past. Our local community is mostly defined as the town of Post, Texas, and Garza County. As with every community, some parts reach out into and are affected by the larger communities of the general West Texas area. Sometimes called the Panhandle Plains in addition to being grouped with the rest of West Texas, our community shares a close bond with the rest of West Texas in identity and culture.
Post was built as a utopia in the early 1900s by its founder C.W. Post. C.W. is actually the person Post is most proud of. He was considered to be the Father of Advertisement. While C.W. had an excellent mind, it also led to his demise. C.W. suffered from chronic nervous breakdowns which led him to suicide. When Post lost C.W., we lost a part of our heart, but Post still honors him today.
Post also has much more to offer than its unique history. There are many attractions to this area for tourists and locals as described further in this site. We are very lucky to get to grow up in such a wonderful place and get to witness Post prosper into the future. Join us in this project as we show you the wonders of Post, Texas.
2. Summary of Our Project
After two brainstorming sessions, we chose to research the local attractions in our community for several reasons. We wanted to find out more about these attractions ourselves, since often we overlook the wonders in our own backyard, and we also wanted to reach out to this wonderful community with our interviews and research.
We chose to concentrate on both the natural and man-made local attractions since we didn't know a lot about the natural features at the beginning of our project. Just outside of town, one can find Lake Alan Henry, where people come from hundreds of miles away to fish in one of the best fishing and recreation lakes in Texas, the Brazos River, perhaps the most important resource and recreation area to the many communities it touches as well as providing the water for Lake Alan Henry, and the more than sixty world-renowned fossil sites, from which have been found new dinosaurs including one named after our town. In town can be found Old Mill Trade Days, a monthly arts, crafts, and other specialties fair which is flooded by visitors every first weekend of the month, the Garza Theatre, where you can find some of the area’s best theatrical productions, the Garza Hotel, a fully restored historic and beautiful building in which to stay, and the OS Ranch Museum, where people from all over the world come and see the incredible fine art collections.
We paired up; each team chose a topic, did background research on the history of the attractions, came up with interview questions and found some amazing experts to interview.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
Although the majority of the students here in Post don’t have computers at home, much less internet access, our school was fortunate enough to be chosen to participate in the TIP Grant http://www.tea.state.tx.us/opge/disc/tip2/overview.html. The TIP Grant has provided an Apple G4 iBook for every middle school student, integrating the internet and technology as a daily part of classroom life. Most of the online research was conducted during class time, as well as developing the framework and questions for our project. A much higher percentage of students participating in this project have internet access available at home than that of the overall student population.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
TIME: We as a team have overcome several difficulties and roadblocks while working on this project. I think that the biggest difficulty we had was the time issue. We tried to complete this project in just three weeks. We solved this problem by working harder individually and working as a team. We tried to keep to a strict schedule where we got a little piece done every day. We even took time out of our weekends and after school to complete our research.
COORDINATION: Another challenge was confusion concerning who was doing what. We cleared that up by sitting down and talking everything out.
LACK OF INFORMATION: The next roadblock was that Post, Texas, is such a small town that it was very difficult to find any information. Almost no books have been published about Post, and nothing recently. We overcame this by finding most of our information on the web, but we had to revise our search queries over and over to find good information specific to our community which goes back to our previous problem, time. It took a lot of time that we didn’t really have to find good sources.
TO INTERVIEW OR NOT TO INTERVIEW: Four of the five teams had personal interviews scheduled where the interviewee didn’t show up. We overcame this difficulty by trying to reschedule whenever possible and the other teams that couldn’t reschedule or find someone else to interview had to rely more on their other sources. Because Post is so remote, we couldn’t do some of our interviews face-to-face since a few of our experts live in Lubbock. We overcame this by scheduling interviews through e-mail or over the telephone.
CYBERFAIR “NEWBIES”: I think the final difficulty while doing our project was that no one from our school has ever done this before. We have been doing our best and we are very proud of what we have been able to accomplish with what little knowledge we started out with.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Working on this CyberFair project has let us see Post in a different way. We think this project will contribute to our community by Post gaining recognition as a small town with large and interesting things to offer.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our project supports a great many of the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) state standards, but especially focuses on
§110.24(b)(13)(A-I) Reading/inquiry/research. The student inquires and conducts research using a variety of sources; and
§110.24(b)(20)(A-G) Writing/inquiry/research. The student uses writing as a tool for learning and research.
Additional standards supported include §110.24(b): 1A, 1C, 1D, 2A-F, 4A, 5A-B, 8B-D, 14C, 15C, 15E-F, 15H, 16B-F, 17A-H, 18A-I, 19A-C, 21A-B, 22B-C, 24A-B. You can find detailed descriptions of the 8th grade state standards at: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter110/ch110b.html#110.24 .