1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
a. Hardware facilities: computer, digital camera, digital voice recorder, audio recorder, scanner, printer.
b. Computer software: Dreamweaver for webpage editing, PhotoImpact for graphic processing, Microsoft Word for textual information editing, Outlook Express for receiving and sending mails, Internet Explorer for browsing website, ACDSee for image browsing, CuteFTP for transmitting information.
c. Internet: Instant messaging system, e-mail, message board, FTP server, ADSL broadband network, network hard disk.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
a. Playing the role of community ambassadors: We consider it our responsibility to make the public understanding the “history of Sulphur Valley”, thus we should play the role of “community ambassadors” and reveal this history to others.
b. Participating in community activities: We participated in the “Exploring Taipei” journey organized by the Department of Information, Taipei City Government, in order to learn more about the sulphur-mining history at Sulphur Valley. We also joined the “Beitou Season for Hot Spring – Blooms and Springs” activity organized by the Beitou Hot Spring Development Association, in order to find out more about the history of hot springs in Beitou.
c. Assuming the role of tour guides: We try hard to tell others about what we know. We successively invited students from the Taoyuan Junior High School, Danshuei Junior High School and Jeng Der Junior High School to visit the Sulphur Valley. We even assumed the role of tour guides and explained to the junior high school students the history of Sulphur Valley.
d. Establishing the countryside homepage: We realize our research result in the form of signboards, as well as a homepage hosted by the school website. Apart from being a resource for countryside education, the homepage also allows citizens to deepen their understanding of the local history through the Internet.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
a. Better understanding of the Sulphur Valley: Through this research project, we have come to know more about the history of Sulphur Valley. We are fully confident that our work, when finished, would be the most exhaustive online resource on “sulphur-mining at Sulphur Valley” at the moment.
b. Realizing the importance of cultural assets: In the process of research, we have felt the public’s concern about the future development of Beitou. Protection of cultural assets has become the most concerned issue in the past decade. We hope that our project would not only deepen the public’s knowledge of the sulphur-mining history at Sulphur Valley, but also arouse their recognition and passion for cultural assets.
c. Sharing passion and building confidence: We all have a kind of passion and confidence unique to ourselves. Through this project, we have established good interaction with the community. Our actions are full of passion, and we behave with full confidence.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
a. Government offices: We interviewed the Yangmingshan National Park Administration Office, “Hsiaoyoukeng Service Center,” “Longfong Valley Service Center” and “Chingteingang Service Center,” in order to learn more about the sulphur mining history at the Sulphur Valley of Beitou.
b. School teachers: One of our major trips in this research project is going to the Tainan Girls’ Senior High School for an interview with Mr. Jin-liang Yan, the author of the book “Going forward to the Old Taiwan – the Legend of Yu Yung-he’s sulphur mining”. Mr. Yan has provided us with a lot of valuable information. Besides, we interviewed Mr. Jia-fa Li, Gardening subject supervisor at Songshan High School of Agriculture and Industry, who introduced to us sulphur-resistant plants in the Sulphur Valley. Mr. Chian-hong Chen, Geography teacher at Dunxu High School of Industry and Commerce, also introduced to us the geographical scenes of the Sulphur Valley.
c. Civil societies: We interviewed Lin-song Chen, the President of the Ecomuseum Workshop of Beitou, and took part in the “Exploring Taipei Journey” and the “Blooms and Springs – Beitou Hot Spring Festival,” in order to learn more about the sulphur mining history at the Sulphur Valley and the past history of hot springs in Beitou.
d. Local seniors: In addition to the above, we also interviewed Mr. Jin-chi Chen, Head of Village of the Cyuanyuan Li at Beitou, and Chi-chen Chen, President of the “Cyuanyuan Li Society Development Association,” to deepen our understanding of the current development of Yangmingshan cable car, and what benefit the project will bring to the tourism of Sulphur Valley Scenic Area after completion.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
a. Discoveries: Through this cyber-project, we realize the hard work of the eld Yu Yung-he, and find that history is all around us. We see the role model of the ancient people from Yu Yung-he’s courageous journey to Taiwan and the hardship of the sulphur mining process. And from the prospering effect of sulphur mining on Beitou to the plunge of the sulphur mining industry, our knowledge of the history expands and becomes more dimensional.
b. Lessons: In the process of teamwork, we came across difficulties in cooperating with each other, and the pressure of our academic work. We have learnt how to understand and encourage each other, and we know that only through sincere communication and with a sense of responsibility can we persist and finish the project.
c. Surprises: Unexpectedly we finish the website, and finish the learning on the website. Also, the project makes us become the interpreters of the historic relics in our community, and gives us the chance to present our findings to other community members. The team’s potential surprises ourselves, and also tells the schoolmates the history of the historic relics beside our school. It is also a surprise that the website has become an expert site for knowledge about Beitou and sulphur; things like being interviewed after getting the award … make us feel that learning is inexhaustible!