1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
Working on the project the participants of the project used the different technical equipment, such as computer, multimedia educational programs disks, and materials from the Internet. To show the different moments of process of working on the project, we used a digital camera, scanner to scan paintings, photos of the students and artworks of the artists. We visited The Art museum, got acquainted with works of the outstanding artists of avant garde style, visited Fundamental library of university. Also students took interviews from the outstanding artists of avant garde style and beginning artists of the students of Art college, Art Lyceum and art school. The most valuable ways and the most important source during job on the project were interviews, discussions and visits. Lots of the useful information on avant guarde and artists of other countries, which we couldn’t find in local newspapers and books, we got with the help of the Internet.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
We organized a strong team, which has become an example for our school community. Our job on the project shows, that we, despite of our young age, have already made our little contribution in research of our national culture and originality and presented our country with the honor and advantages to the world community. With the help of art we aspire to tie the diplomatic relations, and to unit all the world under the motto 'Beauty will save the world '. And also we want to prove, that the art is beauty, which unites the people of the world and gives strength to resist against terrorisms and wars. Further we plan to develop this theme and to carry out a number of educational lessons, with outstanding artists of our republic, where the students from different areas of republic would participate. And certainly, during the given lessons we shall show the given site on the project and we shall tell about importance and role of the given direction in world art.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Besides the participants, other students from different schools, lyceums and colleges, and their parents and the members of community learned about this style. We – participants of this project, learned a lot of information about art, especially avant guarde style, as this style of art is on the stage of development, and it is a new to our republic style. During the research through the project, we took interviews, from the outstanding artists of our republic: Jengiz Lepesov, Sarsen Baybosinov, Jollibay Izentaev, Zawiq Saipov. We realized the importance and the uniqueness of their works and their meaning in the development of not just only our art, but also world one.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Besides the participants, other students from different schools, lyceums and colleges, and their parents and the members of community, the assistants of the museums and Art Academy were involved in our researching. One of the achievements of our team is, the ability to involve various groups of the people to help the participants with the project. School administration, teachers constantly supported and helped us. WE would like to express our gratitude to the students of Art college and Art Lyceum for their help, and also outstanding artists of our country, for giving unique information, recommendations and their contribution for the development of the project. A special thank to the parents, who gave the opportunity to their children to be free of home duties and responsibilities and allowed them to spend their spare time, working on the project.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
Participating in this project impressed us very much. Despite of the fact that I am an art teacher, neither the participants nor I had enough information about avant guarde. Through our research we learned the history of art painting, went to museums and saw the creativities, had interesting meetings and interviews with wonderful people. Thanks to it, we gained different ideas and implemented them in our life.
As for me, I liked the picture of Lisenko “The bull” very much. Every person, who sees this picture, has his thoughts about it. It symbolizes the personal view of the artist to the life, moments of difficult times of our country. It was interesting to observe the painting, where there was painted the sun on the bull’s tail. It shows that the sun has gone away and the end of the world is coming soon.