1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
During our work on the project we used:
a.) 4 computers in our library with access to the Internet
b.) our own personal computers – all learners and teachers involved in the project have computers with access to internet.
c.) Phone,
d.) Digital camera,
e.) Dictaphone,
f.) Scanner,
g.) Printer.
All graphical elements on our website has been made in Adobe Photoshop 7, articles and other content have been processed in MS Word and whole website has been created using PHP and HTML technologies and it is based upon MySQL database. In edition and writing we used script called HTMLArea. Thanks to Total Commander we were able to send our files to server. As far as internet browsing is concerned we used IE and Mozzila Firefox. Effective enlarging of pictures was possible thanks to innovative script ThickBox.
We have visited Culture Center, theatres and Public Library. We have had some interviews, took hundreds of photos and made lots of movies. We took active part in most important event of our region because character of our project made us work in reporter manner. We have gathered materials from over hundred websites, books and press articles: Wlodzimierz Wójcik: Spotkania Zaglebiowskie. Katowice 2006 , Wlodzimierz Wójcik: Zaglebiowskie impresje. Katowice 2006, Dni Bedzina. 'Coolturalny Bedzin' 2006, No 4 , pag. 11. Dni Bedzina na sportowo. 'Coolturalny Bedzin' 2006, No 4 , pag. 9. Karolczyk M.: Koledy spiewa Bedzin. 'Aktualnosci Bedzinskie' 2007, No 1, pag. 6-7. Karolczyk M.: Historia OFKiP. 'Coolturalny Bedzin' 2006, No 8 , pag. 6. Koledy z calej Polski! 'Nasz Bedzin' 2006, No 5, pag. 1. Nowacka M.: Magia zielonego rytmu. 'Dziennik Zachodni'. Bedzin 2006, No 36, pag. 4-5. Nowacka M.: Przyniesli koledy. 'Dziennik Zachodni'. Bedzin 2007, No 2, pag. 2. Pamieci bedzinskich Zydów. 'Aktualnosci Bedzinskie' 2006, No 9, pag. 3. Wielkie koledowanie [z Ks. Piotrem Pilsniakiem rozmawiala Marzena Karolczyk] 'Coolturalny Bedzin' 2006, No 8, pag. 3. IV Ogólnopolski Festiwal Muzyki Celtyckiej 'Zamek'. 'Aktualnosci Bedzinskie' 2006, No 9, pag. 3. IV Dni Kultury Zydowskiej. 'Aktualnosci Bedzinskie' 2006, No 9, pag. 4. Interviews: Interview with with Lukasz Ostrowski, a member of Knighthood Fraternity from Bedzin, Interview with actors of 'Preventorium' Theatre, Interview with painter Magdalena Lucka.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
During work on the project learners had to get in touch with lot of people and institutions personally, via mail or phone. Everyone was very interested in our website, they willingly shared information, approved interviews or publication of photos.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
We are convicted that most citizens doesn’t know in how culturally attractive region they are living in. A lot of things is going on here. Only while working on our previous CyberFair project have we noticed multitude of artistic events which were great material for our next website. That is why we started our work on this project back in the Spring of 2006 during Days of Bedzin. Community of our school was very excited about our venture, especially those, who take active part in cultural life of our city. The plan of action has been worked out in a blink of an eye. We hope that thanks to this website citizens of Bedzin appreciate rich variety of events offered by this city.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
We would like to give our thanks to:Mrs. Elzbieta Krawczyk - project coordinator who supervised all works, Ms Izabela Tumas who checked and revised all written articles, corrected mistakes and as a school librarian she provided us with necessary literature. Mr Kamil Szyc and Ms Agata Wadas who did their best to translate this website to English and all those who agreed to be interviewed, Ms Beata Warega of District Public Library for sharing her photos of the city, Mr. Dariusz Wiktorowicz for sharing his photos and materials concerning Children of Zaglebie Theatre, Kinga Nowak, Sandra Lubon and Justyna Rebacz for help in gathering materials and Mateusz Kobus for his help in designing our webpage.