1. Description of Our Community
Baseball sport in Taiwan originated during Japanese occupying period. Taiwan Baseball sport began as the Japanese went in. Since Taipei was the political economy center then, it made Taipei become the original place of Taiwan baseball sport.When Taipei has become the crucial spot of Taiwan baseball, the charming of baseball sport has stretched toward the south, the middle, and the east of Taiwan.Many excellent baseball players are from” Dong Yuan Little Baseball”,” Chinese Culture University Professional Baseball “or “Brother Elephants Major Baseball”. Besides, Da Li Senior High School performs well recently in these two years. Out of everybody’s expectation, “Da Li Senior Baseball Team” even won the second place in Taiwan Senior Baseball Game in 2007. All these teams originated in the north of Taiwan, which is near the school we belong to. By interviewing these baseball teams in this neighborhood, we interact with our neighbors more intensively. We expect ourselves to represent the local characteristics and the glorious achievement of Taiwan.
2. Summary of Our Project
Baseball has rooted in Taiwan so early. From past till now, there are many famous baseball players winning countless glorious campaigns. Therefore, Taiwan is well-known as “the baseball kingdom”.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
My school computer classroom have 2 have 72 of computer in all, other administration spend about 100 computers with computer and class, supply with 19 Taiwan of note type computer which a teacher uses, there are 24 students' note type computers, all adopt the optic fibre and host computer room line; There is window2000 one server in the host computer room, Linux one server, Linux 1 server and several servers of other operating systems. The team members mostly use and download the inquiry that ADSL that 2M uploads 512K carries on the materials and transmission of the file at home, and apply for a webpage space in the school, regard as the webpage and aid the position and network hard disk use with equipment.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
?Different time for joint discussion The 10 players of this team are from two grades and eight classes, they have about 4 hours weekly to work together, but not every time all members can attend. In order to overcome this problem, our teacher group set up the 'moodle-Cyberfair digital platform' which can announce issues online, so that the students can know their schoolwork arranged by the teacher or participate in discussions, and this platform can be applied to uploading job schedule and data collection. ?Amend research structure time after time Because the popularity of 'glory of Taiwan--Chien-min Wang', our team intended to adopt 'local character' as the subject and take Chien-min Wang's coach, Mr. Ying-jie Gao as main subject originally. However, it was the time of Baseball World Cup, Mr. Gao was not available, and he suggested that we could take northern baseball teams as target, so we rediscussed and amended the research structure. ?Hard coordination of interview date In order to interview five teams from Little League Baseball to Professional Baseball, we searched for northern schools having baseball team on web, but some teams' training time was not suitable for our available time, so we had to carry out coordination time after time. Fortunately, our interview group could interview the players and coach at last after the administration of the school to be interviewed had communicated with the team for several times.
?Overcome interview fear
Due to 'interview' and 'questionnaire survey' are main subject this time, our research group must interview a lot of persons including coaches, players, fans and teachers etc. But all of us have no interview experience, we didn't even know what question we wanted to ask. According to the instruction of the teacher, we firstly collected relevant information to the target to be interviewed, and then practiced the simulation of interview till we were confident enough to raise questions looking at his eyes without the note. Though it went not smoothly at the beginning and we often forgot the questions, we became more and more confident afterwards. We could carry out interviews by ourselves when we interviewed the campus teacher fans. And the questionnaire design was worked out through joint discussions and composition, I was very tense when I went for street interview at the first time, but I felt no longer tense at the next times, even I would chat with passengers interviewed!
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Investigating through the questionnaire, we acquire people’s viewpoints toward baseball. Through interviewing five baseball teams including” Dong Yuan Little Baseball”, “ Da Li Senior Baseball”, “ Da Li Junior Baseball”, ” Chinese Culture University Professional Baseball “ and “Brother Elephants Major Baseball “and so on, we explore not only the training process of a successful baseball player but also the sweetness and bitterness they have experienced during their training time. From the coach’s or the team leader’s words, we understand all the joys and sorrows in their baseball career. Most important of all, fans are the main support of the baseball team. We interview the fans of different ages. Especially, we give them a big surprise while they are in line waiting for their idols’ signature. Further more, we realize how enthusiastic they are and how much expectation they hold toward baseball sport in Taiwan.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
(1) All teachers and students of the school participate in baseball sport
We invited teachers and schoolmates having interest in baseball to attend the campus expending activity of Brother Elephant Baseball Team, in order to let more children know the living of professional baseball players.
(2) Arouse attention of government to baseball
Through the street surveys, we found many people regard baseball as national ball, they are proud of the performance of players traveled abroad, but they hope that the government could input more funds to cultivate little players, we hope we could convey people' aspirations to government through our webpage.
(3) People will know that Taipei has cultivated a lot of excellent baseball players through our webpage, from Little League Baseball, Youth Baseball, Junior Baseball to Major League, there are people working silently at every phase, we hope these diligent coaches and players could obtained more support.