1. Description of Our Community
The Zuoying Old Castle and Fongshang New Castle are both belonged to the Fongshang County, a member of 1-municipality and 3-county government bodies during the Qing Dynasty period. The reason why it was called Fongshang was because the pioneering residents during the Ming Dynasty period crossed the Taiwan Strait and saw this place with zigzag hills like a phoenix heading up and soaring in the sky. It is exactly the original reason why we call it Fongshang (Phoenix Mountains). However, the historical events with both Zuoying Old Castle and Fongshang New Castle existing simultaneously are unique in Taiwan’s history. The tale of two cities means the story about both Zuoying Old Castle and Fongshang New Castle.
2. Summary of Our Project
Our pioneering forefathers crossed the strait from mainland China to arrive at the place called Fongshang. With their endeavoring effort in trail blazing, it is just available for the rise of Kaohsiung City combined with cultures, technologies and prosperity. In retrospect of history, the Fongshang County in Qing Dynasty used to experience with 2 bouts of change. The historical tiles of both Zuoying Old Castle and Fongshang New Castle were left in the history. They are much like the oriental version of “The Tale of Two Cities” authored by Dickens. Thus, our research project is titled as “Taiwan’s Own Tale of Two Cities – Zuoying Old Castle and Fongshang New Castle”.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
We use FTTB(Fiber To The Building), and its profluent speeds of 100/100 Mbit/s (down/up). There are seven computers in our classroom. Each of them can access to the Internet through the specific line, and is able to get all kinds of Internet services through the server, that is, the connection works very well. Each one of us has an E-mail account, and it has become the most important way for us to communicate with other people when we are working on subject research. In addition, we fully use the Internet service in our computer classroom.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
(1) Commute:The research group consists of 28 students that makes commute inconveniently. Our parents who are enthusiastic about helping people solve the problem for us. (2) Time arrangement:Due to school timetable of members are different, even more so in cram school, a few members cannot join in the whole course. Therefore, we arrange the field trips on Wednesdays and Fridays after school, and discuss with working group regularly. (3) Diverseness of attitude and ability between members: The research project is one key point of main classes, and all student must join it that makes the problem of different attitude, such as a few members are under pressure of schoolwork so it is not easy for them to manage the schedule well. Another problem is difference in ability of writing report among members. Finally, we all improve our shortage, and increase abilities of learning and researching. (4)The completeness of historical residence: During the process of covering, a serious problem we find out is that whensome historical residences have been reported, it also attracts some thieves that assail the landlords. Therefore, we avoid taking details of historical residences, and report carefully as far as possible.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The more you know, the more you love. Before the project, we have no feeling about gates of Zuoying New Castle and Fongshan New Castle, which become different after we finish the research project. The Two Cities have their own beauty created by forerunners, but the historical spots have been ruined by invisible or visible destroy for different reasons. Human should realize that community development and historical spots are supposed to exist with others. Protecting historical spots and developing civilization are all important matters for our country. Historical spots play an important role in enriching Taiwan.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Local study is an important lesson of learning. We had briefly visited and taken Kaohsiung historical spots – 4 city gates course. Because of the research project, we may find out the stories of the Two Cities which encourage us to love our city deeper and deeper. In the process, we apply the methods that we learned in school to visit the Two Cities, which is helpful for our research project. Besides, we record the historical spots by digital camera, discuss and share sentiments with each other repeatedly and then integrate all information into our research. Team spirit has been cultivated by supporting and leaning from each other. In the field of learning, we look for much related information which includes source books and architectural books to realize the topic we will focus on. During the process, we find answers from exports repeatedly. From the study project –“Taiwan’s Own Tale of Two Cities,”we not only agilely exert knowledge but also complete our web pages, which make more people realize and appreciate the history, source and background, moreover, and mind protection of historical spots. The skill of computer graphing helped us produce a interactive map, introducing the Wetland Ecological Corridor of Kaohsiung City thoroughly. The way we combined the technology, language, and local geography fitted in the concepts of curriculum integration and cross-subject learning.