Picture of Chi-Hua Ke, the Valiant -- The Man & His Deeds
Category: 1. Local Leaders

School: Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, Republic of China
7 students, ages 15-16 worked together to complete this CyberFair project on March 20, 2008.
They have participated in CyberFair in the following year(s): 2004,2005,2006,2007
Classes and Teachers: Tiger Wu,Jackson Liu,Chia-Ying Su
E-Mail contact:
Our School's Web Site:
1. Description of Our Community
Mr.Ke was born in Zuoying District,Kaohsiung City,which is a harbor city bounded by Taiwan Strait to the west and by Bashi Channel to the south.Mr.Ke had all his secondary education in Kaohsiung.When he educated from National Taiwan Normal University,he came back to Kaohsiung Senior High he had studied to teach.He grew,educated,married,and had his own business in this place.His whole life can be considered that it is close to Kaohsiung.
2. Summary of Our Project
New English Grammer benefit numerous learners in Taiwan.Its author,Mr.Ke,has got through the period of Taiwan White Terror and unfortunately be involved.He was regarded as a political criminal and sent to prison for tens of years.In the prison,He supported his family by writing English education books.He is a academic,a literatus,a teacher,and a poet.As such a pure intellectual,he didn?? fear might politics and not be brought down by the misfortune he had met.However,he was very devoted to the
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:21-50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:2-3
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:not sure
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:2-3
E. Additional comments concerning your computer and/or Internet access (Optional):
We would like to appreciate the school for their generous providing of convenient, advenced equipment, wich allowed us to accomplish our elaborate work.
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
There are three main obstacles we had to overcome. One of them is that most of us have never built up a website with any kind of software (not even with FrontPage!) We solve this problem by working on different parts of the project, some people built up websites while others only worked on the text. We also ask the teachers to provide us some technical instruction. Another obstacle lying in front of us is that we had to balance our time between the project and our studies. Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School is one of the most competitive high schools in Taiwan. We have classes every weekday from 8:00am to 5:20pm, many of us even go to cram schools until 9:00pm. Students attending this school often gained much expectations from their parents. Thus when we spend a lot of time preparing for the project, we also have to communicate with our parents. The other difficulty we faced is the processing of the material we gained. In the beginning we did not expect to find so many papers about Mr. Ke, a man we had never heard of, not before we started this project. However, we tried our best to learn how to deal with a large amount of papers, as we know that such ability is going to be useful for us in the future.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Mr. Ke was born in Kaohsiung city, and he is also an alumnus of Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School. He is not only a successful English teacher, but also a victim and testimony of the notorious “White Terror.” However, while other victims of “White Terror” became politicians who considered nothing but their benefits, Mr. Ke kept supporting democratization and the development of local culture by publishing books by local authors. The political environment of Taiwan is quite chaotic in the recent years, we hope that by making Mr. Ke’s story widely known, people on the island would cherish the democracy they have now.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
The goal of our project is to examine the hard circumstances people faced during the “White Terror” period. We could see clearly how the government uses made people accuse each other by built up an environment filled with afraid. Through discussing Mr. Ke’s experience, we could not only proof what we have learnt on the text book, but also learn the skill of working together. We also found that Internet for teaching and learning is much more effective then traditional methods, as we could not only easily accomplish our work but share them with everyone throughout the world.
1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used the PCs provided by the school and the software in them to accomplish most of our project. We used FrontPage to set up our website and Word to finish the text. We also used Internet Explorer to search for information, as Photo Impact 10.0 on image processing and Flash MX on the animation. As for the delivery of information, we used USB drives, MP4s as well as E-mail. We also used digital cameras and cell phones to deal with other problems. Among these tools. we found the Internet Explorer most helpful, as it provided us not only searchengines to collect material, but also provided E-mail for us to deliver information.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
During the accomplishment of our project, we mostly contact with other people in the community by interviewing them face-to-face. Before the interviews, we will read the materials concerned about our topic on the Internet, newspapers, and essays as well as other books. We often have a discussion in our group before the interview, figuring out the purpose of the interview and what question should be asked. We usually bring up the question we had already prepared on the meeting, but we also bring up some questions randomly. After the interview, we will write a summary of the meeting and figure out some important results we gain from the interview.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
Ke Chi-Hua, the impression over this name evokes a delightful English learning memory, for nearly all of the Taiwanese of all ages studies his celebrated New English Grammar during their teenage. However, very few people know that Mr. Ke is also a poet, a publisher, and even a victim under the “White Terror!” During the”White Terror,” there were many intellectuals worked hard to fight for their freedom and the democracy of Taiwan. Things changes with the passing of times, the fighters for freedom had now become notorious politicians. Mr. Ke is one of those who kept himself from power and wealth. He alone with his publishes house supported local Taiwanese culture, and kept reflecting the vox populi with his magazine until the last syllables of his life. Through this project, we want to present his noble moral to people throughout the world, and inspire people by rewriting the definition of a hero—He may not be a well-known person, yet he did do the most he can on fulfilling his ideal and devoted in his hometown!
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
In order to learn more about Mr. Ke, we interviewed some people in the process of accomplishing the project. First, we had an interview of Ke-Tsai A-Li, the wife of Mr. Ke. She did not only give us a strong impression of Mr. Ke, but also provided us a large amount of letters, court verdicts, photographs, newspaper clippings and other papers. These materials not only enriched our website, put also provide us a complete understanding of the life and thoughts of Mr. Ke. We also had an interview with the sons of Mr. Ke, Prof. Ke Chih-Ming and Prof. Ke Chih-Che at Nation Taiwan University, where the brothers teaching sociology and economics. After a 3-hour interview, we received another impression of Mr. Ke—Mr. Ke as a father. The most precious thing these interviews bring to us is an opportunity to know the different impressions of a person, which you’ll never see in any biographies. Thus we would like to appreciate the people who participated in our project, without their help the project would just become an electronic version of an ordinary biography.
View our CyberFair Project
(Project ID: 5360)