1. Description of Our Community
Mainly students and teachers from our school form our local community. Our school is in small spot (about 3.500 inhabitants). Our village's name is Golkowice and it’s in the South of Poland, near to Czech Republic.
Our school is a new building (it was built 9 years ago). Almost 300 students can use more than ten classrooms, library, computer classroom and new gymnastic hall. In our school work 31 great teachers. We've got also some extra lessons which help us to develop our skills and hobbies. Students like it and appreciate it.
2. Summary of Our Project
The main concern of this project is showing all the people around the world figures of great Poles. A lot of people even don't know where Poland is, they don't know history of our country, traditions, culture and famous people from here. We want them to acquaint with Poland - using this website - and we want them to know what great Poles did for all world.
We want to remind people from Poland about achievements of their ancestors and we want Poles to have a bigger respect for Poland, considering that our forefathers fought for this country, fought for young generations. We have to keep it deep in our hearts and not to lose it. That's why we prepared Polish version of this website too.
We decided to create a lot of multimedia extras to make a form of this project more attractive. We also paid attention to show You some anecdotes or curious details.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:more than 6
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:more than 6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
We had a lot of problems during our work. The biggest problem was time – we found out about CyberFair contest very late. The tempo of working was really fast. Unfortunately, we didn't make some things as well as we wanted to do. Every part of project had to be done before our lessons or after them. We had to spend all our spare time and efforts to do everything until deadline. But we don't think that it was only waste of time, we don't regret – it was really great adventure and we'd like to do something like this once again.
We had also some technical problems. We assumed that we can make films using greenscreen technology; however we were not able to have necessary funds to do it. That's why we made them in more amateur way.
It took a lot of time to pick the best rehearsals from a whole film which lasts 5 hours and to create a dozen or so films which had to last some minutes. That was really hard.
Some people from our team are really good at using technical tools, so we could solve rest of problems pretty easy.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
Experiencing and getting to know biographies of great Poles in attractive way with using modern information technologies; learning history of our country, realizing what we owe to them, what we can learn from them; knowing history of people who are authorities for every Pole.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Our project meets requirements in 'Local Leaders' category. The whole works in the project agrees with curriculum. But work on some important elements needed broadening information from this curriculum. We extended our historical knowledge, our skills in looking for information, skills in using information technologies and translating texts into English.
In the first stage of working we were planning the process of creating project. We were analyzing all propositions, discussing and making decisions. Every person in the group got the directions and they were doing their work using them. Division of parts of project was pretty easy because of small number of participants and the group could be all the time in touch. In connecting with each other we used mobile phones and instant messengers. But mostly we were trying to meet each other personally.
In the course of time we had to change our decisions. But basic substructures stayed the same.
Thanks to working in the project participants were more inquisitive in looking for information, as well in Internet as in traditional sources. However, the Internet was the most important thing. Preparing this project was such a great adventure, so students are planning now another enterprise like this one.