1) What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your CyberFair project?
We used many kinds of information tools to make our Cyberfair project include computers, scanner, DV digicam, digital camera, cell phone, MSN, Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003…etc. The technologies which the most helpful to us was MSN, when we needed to take a meeting but too busy to go to school, we can use MSN to take the net meeting.
2) In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person.
1. Ambassadors to the school We set up a U-Theatre Performing Arts Class in the high school next to us that was closely tied to our webpage product. We asked the students in this class to help us with surveys and interviews that helped us to understand what they were studying and how it was being done. We got to know the process involved when a student decides to go into the performing arts, and we were able to gather and record their personal thoughts and observations on the process. 2. Ambassadors to the community “Rehearsal Room No. 36” is located near the rear entrance to our school, and we took on for ourselves the task of acting as ambassadors for art to the community outside the gate. We took part in performances that were staged in the neighborhood, acquiring a great deal of information about the community and about the arts. We helped many citizens in the area to know more about “people, music and the arts”, and we ourselves learned a lot about what the people of Mu-zha think about art and how much they know about music.
3) What has been the impact of your project on your community?
The residents of our neighborhood have given the U-Theatre Drum Group the full measure of their support and have even taken part in their activities. We are deeply aware that performers must have an audience, and they need audiences that are sizeable and informed. Thus we have been very careful in collecting information for our project and processed and studied it so that our audiences will be receptive to the arts that we offer. We want to shine in their eyes, and we hope that our performances will help to enrich the community. People who come to see the U-Theatre are giving us their time and their attention, and we should be careful to devote an equal measure of time and effort to project our performances far and wide into the community.
4) How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?
Thanks to Fong’s parents and Mrs. Chen: When we went to Theatre of Laochuan Mountain to view the dress rehearsal and interview the members of U-Theatre, we met Fong’s parents. They are volunteer of Performing Arts School 36(PAS36), and help PAS36 in community. They showed us to realize about U-Theatre, so we can know more than before. Mrs. Chen is a bridge between “U-Theatre” and school. She provided lots of information about U-Theatre, also encouraged us many times.
5) Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)
We encountered a lot of surprises during the process of carrying out this project. Before undertaking this task we thought that performers were all very quiet and secretive people. We figured they were aloof figures who were very strict – but we discovered that performers are in fact very warm and friendly people who were always willing to take the time to help and guide us. Our research of this project also led to more interaction and mutual help among ourselves. We found ourselves talking about everything and sharing everything. Whenever differences of opinion arose while we were laying out a page, we considered it inevitable, but we were willing to listen to each others’ ideas and learn. And as we learned more about each other and “worked toward a common goal by working together”, we learned how to be more patient and more persistent in doing what was needed to achieve our goals.