1. Description of Our Community
Ruei-siung Junior-Senior Highschool is located in Kaohsiung city which is the political and economic centre of South Taiwan. Each member of our team comes from different districts of Kaohsiung city.And there are two members even coming from Ping-Tung County who crossed county for studying.However,none of us never have community participation experiences in our life.Due to taking lessons in 'Civics and Society' classes,we began to catch on the brillant community developng achievement in Tufuya tribe which is located in Alishan Mt.in Chiayi County.Tufuya is a Tsou tribe, one of Taiwan's aboriginal people, which is a womb of rich culture and is still practicing its classical spirits in contemporary life. Therefore we chose to learn from Tsou people and proceed our project crossing through thousands of miles.
2. Summary of Our Project
The project makes an attempt to interpret Mayasvi rite, annually hold by the Tufuya hosa.Through the celebration of rites, Tsou people pass down and enrich the cultural heritage and maintain the original social structure with political, economic, and religious function while encountering with the institution of the contemporary public administration. In addition, the Tufuya tribe set up Tufuya Community Development Association for more than a decade to play a communicator between the traditinal organization and the contemporary public administration.By the observation and the analysis of the traditional leading system convened by the chieftain and the contemporary function that Tufuya Community Development Association , the authors are in the hopes of providing a perspective of a broad significance of culture construction in 21st century.
3. Our Computer and Internet Access
A. Percentage of students using the Internet at home:more than 50%
B. Number of workstations with Internet access in the classroom:1
C. Connection speed used in the classroom:dedicated connection
D. Number of years our classroom has been connected to the Internet:4-6
4. Problems We Had To Overcome
1. The students participating in this project made strenuous efforts to manager time for heavy homework ,cram school attending , and project reading and assignments.Besides,a rond trip from Kaohsiung city to Tufuya tribe takes 12hours and more than fifteen hundred dollars for each person.And there are two students coming from Ping-Tung County renting houses without network have to use computers on net at school during the break time between classes.Especially,the students develop a wonderful pattern to exert himself or herself to assist others. As a tenth grader, the students do try their best to solve the problems they enounterred and adjust themselves for learning more.
5. Our Project Sound Bite
The process of learning the culture diversity makes us respect each other more and to be thoughtful of our mother culture.
6. How did your activities and research for this CyberFair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?
Learning the great concepts like “developing local community ”and “multiculturalism”has been a required coursework in education.Firstly, the students was attracted by the remarkable achievement that the tufuya tribe made and the meetinghouse for men, Kuba, which is the spirit symbol of Tsou people.Later, due to Ms.Chen has been to familiar with Tsou people and Tufuya tribe for years, the students made a decision to visit and learn the comnity developing experiences and the ancestral culture from the Tufuya Community Development Council .During the process of project research, students learn how to do field research underneath making the less interference in the locality and how to make inquiries without the presumptions.And what the students learn affect their thoughts and the skills of writing .They even share what they have learneda and experienced with the other students in campus.